Speakers with Lamm ML2.1

Hi everyone,

I recently got a pair of Lamm ML2.1 SET monoblock. I would like to get recommendations on speakers to match with this amp.

I have the Audio Research Reference 3 and Reference CD7. I have a well treated, dedicated listening room size 15x11x8.

Please feel free to make recommendations.

Thank you for all the input.

What do you guys think of the Von Schweikert VR5-SE?
It is 94 DB. Does anyone have experience with these and how would it match with the Lamm ML2.1?
Well, I am going to disagree with Lapierre about the Avalon Eidolon Diamond.

I am going to agree with Kurt tanks disagree. The same would hold true with the Magico's though, not happening with 18 WPC. I am aware that the ML2.1 is a conservative 18 watts, but it's still less than an ideal match with these speakers. This all of course IMHO.

Additionally, your room size calls for a smaller speaker.
I think Lokie had some great suggestions. Although I have never heard of Lamm tubed amps w/ either DeVore or Audio Note speakers, those are two more that come to mind.
For efficient speakers you may want to consider silverline audio. the bolero or la folia should be fine with 18 wpc. the bolero are fine for a mid-sized room. never heard with the lamm though. there were a couple of positive mentions of the silverline boleros at the ces this year -- not sure which ones - the bolero supreme are 12k but the new grand bolero are 30K.
I recently sold my ML2's to a guy that had a pair of Sunny Cable's horns. It is a killer combination. I had them paired up with a pair of Reimer Teton's with great effect. For best results I would look at speakers around 95db up with an easy load of 6-8 ohms. The Daedalus speakers would be a great match for the ML2's and be much less than your budget.
Hi Man,
Many well known audio folks have used your exact combination of components with the wilson maxx 2 to good effect. Should be in your price range. I believe 92 db efficient.