Speakers with Lamm ML2.1

Hi everyone,

I recently got a pair of Lamm ML2.1 SET monoblock. I would like to get recommendations on speakers to match with this amp.

I have the Audio Research Reference 3 and Reference CD7. I have a well treated, dedicated listening room size 15x11x8.

Please feel free to make recommendations.

I recently sold my ML2's to a guy that had a pair of Sunny Cable's horns. It is a killer combination. I had them paired up with a pair of Reimer Teton's with great effect. For best results I would look at speakers around 95db up with an easy load of 6-8 ohms. The Daedalus speakers would be a great match for the ML2's and be much less than your budget.
Hi Man,
Many well known audio folks have used your exact combination of components with the wilson maxx 2 to good effect. Should be in your price range. I believe 92 db efficient.
Avantgardes - whichever model suits your budget. I have Duo Omegas and they are a match made in heaven with my ML2s.