spend more money on pre or power amp ?

if I had $10,000 to spend on a power and pre amp. Would I split it equally in two ? Or would I give 5000 to power and 10,000 to pre or vice versa ?
My system is a Wadia 21 cd player, VMPS RM 40's and a classe CAV 150. I find the system sounding quite harsh. Any help with this.
I'd buy the amp that made my speakers sing with whatever it took, and buy the pre with whatever was leftover. Then, when funds allow, you could buy the pre that fits the system best. You can buy a lot of amp for much less than 10K so you should be able to take my approach and maybe even get the perfect pre as well.
There are tons of different approaches selecting an amplifier but at first it should match speakers.
There are many 'philes would say that preamp is the most important component in the system as the general rule of thumb but far far far it is not. I'd figure that in low powered system yes, preamp plays the most important role among all the components but in the high-gain high-power approach the amp is the king even over the speakers.
You should also realize that there are high-sencitivity amps and so as speakers and figure out your "nirvanic equilibrium" in that sence got it?
No quwstion it would be the amp.You can get a Passive preamp that would not add coloration at minimal cost.

Then again you might get away with finding an adequate amp for less than you might think and get a great Preamp which is tailored to your liking as far as the number of Inputs\Outputs and if you need a Phonoamp and if it needs to be remote controlled.

Remember that the more circuitry the more coloration of the sound will be added that is why I prefer the Passive route and adding all other siurces after that.Remote circuitry will add coloration also.

LAMM Research makes the best amps I think and their cost reflects that.The designer does not like remotes because of the reasons mentioned.

Placette makes great Passives with remotes and FT Audio makes a cost effective Preamp which they shall add an outboard remote in the future most likely.