Squeezebox interfacing???


Please help me clarify the functional aspect of the following ideal system for me please...

Laptop (Basic Dell)
DAC (PS Audio Link)
Pre-amp (Adcom)
Amp (Adcom)

1. Laptop wirelessly sees the SQ using the software with the SQ.

2 SQ is ethernet connected to a fast external hard drive and pulls the files out of HD.

3. SQ outputs optically to DAC.

4. DAC does it's wonders and RCA's out to pre-amp.

5. Pre-Amp would STILL be the main component to affect volume and sound adjustments.

Pushing songs through the system can be done through the computer interface AND/OR with the SQ device right?

This mean there are atleast two components a person would have to interface with in order to play and control the system.

Archaic... but will function, please correct me if I'm mistaken.

Thank you
Get an NAS external hard drive (ethernet connection) and connect it to your wireless router. Most wireless routers have at least a couple of ethernet ports too. Then direct Slimserver to make your music library directory the HDD on the router. Laptop will then control the music on networked HDD.

Thank you.
Does that mean I can use just slimserver software or any other software for that matter and not need the Squeezebox component at all?
call logitec/slim devices tech support. Get bounced UP their chain and talk to Julius. He is the man. Note: they just released a new version of their server, and it is a bit buggie still.


You still need the Squeezebox as it plugs into your equipment via digital cable or analog interconnects and supplies the signal. Can either use the laptop or remote to control the Squeezebox.

I'm currently working on setting up this particular solution with WD 1Tb Mybook. One comment I have heard is to be careful which HDD you get as each has its own network interface software built in. Some are faster than others.
This yeat naother thought.


If the NAS HD is wired (etherent) to the router, can't my laptop then see the HD via network then send orders (any music software, winamp, etc.) to the HD which goes to the DAC and through the rest of the system?
