SS amps for merlin vsm

I am using merlins with AA prestige SACD, Filarmonia amp and cardas GR
cables. would like to buy a SS int amp. ($ 5000) How is plinius 9200 with merlin vsm. anybody tried this ?

thank you
I was thinking musical fidelity amps have a lower damping factor (150 to 220) compared to many solid state class AB amps...and that should match merlins

but 'miker' observed valves better than M Fidelity

So i am not wasting time on that... thanx, miker :)

Hi, I actually enjoy the Wadia 151 with my MAster TSM amazingly!
Go and see if you like: Learn > Reviews > Speakers > 1316122840

I tried musical fidelity A5 (low damping factor) power amp with modwright valve pre amp and the sound was really very good

tried A5 integrated amp also.... didint like harmonics
Third the TAD Hibachi monoblocks. Simply astounding performance for the money. Sweet, detailed and dynamic.
i found the right amp ,,,solid state / tube = AUDIOLAB 8000 C pre + 8000 P power UNBELIVABLE .. very cheap thats the disadvantage...... BEST MATCH solid state for merlin vsm mme irrespective of price range

simple solid state amp that will go close to EL 34 mid and KT 88 bass

and thats AUDIOLAB 8000 C/P (pre=class A/powclass AB)

the best solid state i have heard with merlin vsm irrespective of any price range

the compination shines and it outperformes merlin & ARS sonum

i BROUGHT one today after having it with me for 3 days and doing lot of comparison

paid only $600 for pre/pow ...was ready to pay $ 6000 for a nice solid state amp

so the only problem here was too cheap :)


audiolab is now owned by Spendor

amps that match with merlins usually matches with Merlins

may be thats the majik
I was looking into replacing Focal 918 with Merlin vsm-super BAM.
I am using a rebuilt H/K Citation 16a. (150wpc)
Any thoughts on how they may match up?
Boy, I wonder if anyone has ever heard Merlin VSMs with a 16a - not likely. For sure you have enough power:)
I dont think power is a problem either. I am not too up to speed on why some speakers dont match well with certain amps,etc??
I noticed in your "system" that you have Cardas cables. Do you find them to have a warm character as many desribe?
Don't seem warm with the VSMs, might with warm speakers with mid-bass humps.

The amps won't match well if it is underpowered, or in the case of a tube amp if the impedance of a speakers is very uneven and dives very low in the bass region. This doesn't speak to the sound of the amp or speaker, but simply electrical matching - you don't want to be underpowered, and you don't generally want a tube amp with a "tough" speaker load, for which SS is better suited. I don't know if the H/K amp sounds good or not, but it should not be a matter of "matching" electrically, it should be fine on those grounds.
"you don't generally want a tube amp with a "tough" speaker load, for which SS is better suited."

Agree with this statement but would add not all SS amps are equal in this regard. SOme will drive "difficult loads" better than others.

In general, Class D switching amps and other design aspects aside, beefier SS amps with beefier power supplies capable of delivering more current when needed will tend to do better driving "difficult loads".

I recall Merlins specifically use an optional special circuit called an RC to make their load more tube friendly. That might also help with lesser SS amps, but not sure.
"SOme will drive "difficult loads" better than others." No doubt. The Aleph seem to work more like tubes in that sense.
Mcpherson, can't add much to this but wanted to say that I use a $400 NAD integrated amp with my Merlin TSMs (the VSMs little brother) and enjoy it very much.

If you like the sound of your H/K then there's a good chance you'll enjoy it with the VSM. If I could move up to the VSM I wouldn't hesitate to use it with my NAD.


Sound wise...I am in a pretty good place right now. It is probably not fair to assess everything until I replace one of the tweeters in my Focals. One is more than cracked, so it contributes to a crispy sound on certain notes,guitar,etc.
I am also waiting to try some different tubes in my pre.
Then I will know where I am with the Focals and if I like their sound enough to hold on to them.

I found some Merlins here in Houston but cant seem to get the guy to respond so I can hear them.
Thanks for everyones input.
Please PM me if I can take you up on your offer to listen to Berning amps with MerlinsÂ… Thanks.
For an easy and inexpensive solution that might challenge most any other, I'd search high and low for a pair of the TAD Hibachi 125 monoblocks to try before dropping big bucks on something else, tube or SS, with the Merlins.
after trying many solid state amps and having ARS Fila i tried pathos logos

PATHOS LOGOS sounded beautiful with merlin vsm mme, AA prestige and all cardas golden reference cables..

I did an audition in my room .. brought it today... couldint be happier :)

tried Exposure 3010 with Merlin VSM and it was beautiful....i think the best Full SS amp i heard with Merlin ..110Watts