SS balanced preamplifier for Krell FPB 400cx

Currently my system is,

Sony DVD player/Laptop Music Server
Mark Levinson 360S DAC
Balanced Audio Technology VK-3iX Preamplifier
Krell FPB 400cx Amplifier
Focal JmLabs Electra 926 Speakers
Balanced Audioquest cables

I am extremely happy except sometimes I feel that some speed and resolution is lacking. Because I have listened to other components performed flawlessly at other places, I believe tube preamplifier is the limiting factor. I have decided to experiment with balanced solid state preamplifier and currently considering used Mark Levinson 380s, Pass Labs X1 or Ayre K-5xe.

Kindly write your opinions.


Thanks Rwwear!

Any opinions on Mark Levinson 380s, Pass Labs X1 or Ayre K-5xe with Krell FPB series amplifiers?

I have tried the Pass XO and it is excellent. The low level detail was better than the PCA but it could be a little bright. The remote and ergonomics needed improving for the Pass also.
Why don't you have Krell KCT on your list? One of the finest preamps out there and totally matched to your amp.

I have demoed my KCY in many other systems and it always pleases.

Especially via CAST.
Thanks all.

Stevecham, Krell KCT will be ideal but it is out of my price range which is less or more $2,500.

Rwwear, I have heared stories that Pass remote is not user friendly, however, the same stories also praised Pass sound as being open and dynamic.

Muralman1, the H2O Fire Preamplifier is not a balanced design.

Please more opinions on Mark Levinson 380s, Pass Labs X1 or Ayre K-5xe!
