SS Pre amps Krell KRC-3 vs Classe 47.5 vs BAT VK

I have a Meridian 508-20, a pair of Mirage M3s, and a Krell KSA-150 amp running on a Bat vk3. I would like to change to SS pre amp as I need to leave the BAT on for awhile before it sounds good.
Any help will be appreciated.
Owned a KRC-3, most likely the worst sounding preamp on the face of the earth. Had a KBL (with a KSA-150), simply outstanding. Loved Rowland, currently have a SPECTRAL DMC-20 series 2, words cannot describe.

Good Luck
i have the classe 47.5 preamp w/phono board. I liked it better than other preamps that I auditioned that cost much more. Currently using balanced connections to cd player and to the amplifiers. Unit is built like a tank, and the sound is very smooth and detailed.
Auditioned a Krell KRC-3. Loved it. Ended up buying
a CJ Premier 14, but it was not a clear cut decision.
Very close.
Just a note: Changing to a solid-state preamp will not improve your warm-up time situation unless you leave it permanently on or it incorporates a stand-by mode. Fortunately, this is easy and common to do with SS pre's, since there aren't any tubes to wear out more quickly. But from a 'cold' start, the SS pre will actually take much longer to come up to 'best sound' operating condition than will a tube preamp.
Zaikesman, good point. In fact, my Classe CP-35 doesn't even have an on/off switch on either the unit or the remote -- it's on all the time. I have measured it, it uses about 7 watts continuously, about like a night light. I don't think the 47.5 has an on/off either, but I'm not positive.

I have listened to the 47.5 and really would like to have one, but I have not heard the other preamps you mention. I generally like the Classe sound (just ordered a CA-200 to go with my preamp), which I consider to be less fatiguing and more involving than other solid-state gear I have heard. Others consider it dark or imprecise -- there are quite a few threads here on the Classe sound if you do a search, it seems to be a "love it or hate it" thing.

Given that you are coming from a tube pre-amp, the Krell isn't a very likely candidate. You may find it harsh, especially paired with the Krell amp (I say this based on reputation rather than listening). The Classe is generally considered more tube-like than much SS gear especially the Krell (and this has been my experience when I personally compared the Classe to other non-Krell SS gear).

If possible, let your ears be the guide.

Folks here are also quite capable of suggesting other alternatives, perhaps you want to post a more general question about "tube-like pre-amps" assuming you are happy with the current sound. Some searching will turn up existing threads along those lines also.

- Eric