Stand out phono stages

This topic has been started before by others and myself as well, maybe too many times, but it is worth revisiting since the source is so very important!
So far I have had the pleasure to enjoy two worthy phono stages: the EAR 834p and the JLTI.
I have to admit they are spectacular. Obviously the record and all the equipment downstream play a role in the sound heard. In some cases I prefer the JLTI and in other cases the EAR. But neither out do the other dramatically.
What phono preamps outshine others by a big margin, those that can be considered the last phono preamp ever needed.
1 1flat6,

I have only briefly heard the Lyra phonostage and I thought it was terrific--VERY dynamic and lively, and at the same time, harmonically dense and rich (something that is almost never achieved, particularly with solid state). It is too bad that RoHS regulations have made it impossible for Lyra Connoisseur to get the parts to continue to manufacture that item.

Perhaps your second phonostage should be something that offers differing equalization options, like the Zanden, since you are exploring ways to listen to a range of vintage pressings. The Boulder offers different equalization options as well as a host of other features and adjustment options (I don't like the sound of the Boulder at all, but, that is a matter of personal taste).

As for tube-based options, I own, and like very much, the Viva Fono. The downside, for experimentation, is that it offers no adjustability. I have changed loading, but to do so, I opened it up to change the resistor wired across the input jack (primary side loading of the input step up transformer). The Viva is not cheap, but then again, you are looking at some pretty pricey items.
11flat - you can solve your output limitation by using a purely silver wired switcher like the Uniswitch, in this case you may connect three tonearms with your Lyra-C.
Larryi: yr description of the Lyra phonostage is spot on.

Thuchan: i'll most likely add at least 1 more phonostage, but the Uniswitch you've mentioned does sound very interesting. would you happen to hv a link?
11flat6- you see it on my page. best ingredients, short signal way. I can show you more images, also of the interior when you send me an e-mail.
If you really want to go for it I can bring you in contact with the producer.