Star Sound Sistrum pltfm? About to pull trigger.

My CD player has been knocked off the Audio Points TWICE by family members. Tom Lyons responded to my initial email very promptly (QUITE impressive). I did what he suggested, but still had the second "event." I've read that the Sistrum Platform is GREAT, and I already have the discs. On the points, the CD player was great sounding, and I'm not real anxious to change technologies. I tried isolation (Audioquest "Q" things) and in my system, coupling (with the points) was better.

OK, OK, so here's the question: Can anyone think of a reason that the Sistrum would be a BAD idea? Things that are good: 1)my dealer carries them; 2)Tom Lyons himself answered my email--fast; 3)the Audio Points already worked well, and the Sistrum is SAID to be even better; 4)the Sistrum wouldn't fall over, I'm pretty sure. So, anything to "beware" of? Nothing is coming to mind for me.
Stay with what you like. However, you should be aware that the points of the Sistrum platform point up to your CD player, so you might want to place coupling discs between your player and the points. Also, the player won't sit any more securely than it does with the Audiopoints, so I don't think you can count on the Sistrum platform to reduce the potential of the CD player to get knocked off.

The addition of the Sistrum could potentially add some resolution to your system, which is another reason to try taking the Dakioms out. I believe you're working at cross purposes.
I have the Sistrum rack which I bought based on having heard it at CES and RMAF and the recommendation of Tom Lyons. I have had it for a couple of months and I'm terribly impressed with the rack.

There are points which point up and contact the bottom of your gear, so employing something between the gear and points might be desireable. I don't use them since I'm not that concerned about the bottom of the gear, and I don't move the stuff once it's in place...

Pull the trigger!
I have been a user of Audiopoints for 10years and have been using Sistrum since its inception..and I am now a dealer. Sistrum will provide you with more stability than will only three Audiopoints. On the Sistrum platform someone would have to bump the player hard enough to make it slide off one of the points. I have never seen or heard of that happening. The platform to use should be the Sp-1 or even better would be the Sp101 whch is a single shelf Sistrum Rack. By experience I would only use the coupling discs to improve the sound on electronics that weigh less than 15 lbs..they seem to improve the surface tension on lightweight components. I also prefer the sound when using the platform on plastic or wooden shelves to place the coupling disc between the shelf and the bottom point of the Sistrum. Tom
Saw this at a recent demo, and it does not have a built in barbed wire fence to keep away bodies in motion. Worked perfectly to hold a big CDP in position while the sound was wonderful. Is your plan to have points up into bottom surface of your CDP, or to use upside-down discs (which could be moved by family members) to interface with bottom surface of CDP?
This is a great idea for getting best sound, just never underestimate the ingenuity of the masses to push and shove your gear.
I'll buy any of your leftover Audio Points which I also use with great benefit.