Star Sound Sistrum pltfm? About to pull trigger.

My CD player has been knocked off the Audio Points TWICE by family members. Tom Lyons responded to my initial email very promptly (QUITE impressive). I did what he suggested, but still had the second "event." I've read that the Sistrum Platform is GREAT, and I already have the discs. On the points, the CD player was great sounding, and I'm not real anxious to change technologies. I tried isolation (Audioquest "Q" things) and in my system, coupling (with the points) was better.

OK, OK, so here's the question: Can anyone think of a reason that the Sistrum would be a BAD idea? Things that are good: 1)my dealer carries them; 2)Tom Lyons himself answered my email--fast; 3)the Audio Points already worked well, and the Sistrum is SAID to be even better; 4)the Sistrum wouldn't fall over, I'm pretty sure. So, anything to "beware" of? Nothing is coming to mind for me.
Mdhoover a Sistrum Sp1 with 1.0 Audiopoints [a treaded male/female pair] and a set of upper and lower coupling discs will provide you with the most reactive platform for your provided space. Putting extra mass atop a device resting on Audiopoints or Sistrum will only provide confusion to the sound. You will have two different reactions in both time and direction for vibration to collect and to exit..resulting in a loss of clarity. Do we know the type of rack you are using and the surface type it is resting on? Tom

Looks like the only one guaranteed to fit in the space is the SP 003, which is what I just ordered.

To everyone: Thanks for all your help!
Platform ordered on Wednesday, arrived on Friday. Pretty quick shipping! Impressive (favorably). It's installed, and appears like the will be much more stable than the points.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE POINTS: The origin of the problem was NOT with the points: The bottom of the Onkyo Integra DPC 8.5 universal carousel player is VERY uneven, with dips and peaks and ledges, etc. It was quite a challenge to find suitably spaced areas on the bottom of the unit that protruded downward by the same amount, allowing one to level the player on the SP 003. The bottoms of the Dodson and the three Odyssey pieces are much flatter.