Stillpoint Ultras anyone?

Has anyone tried these yet? I bought a set of 3 of the steel version recently, having heard some positive discussion. I tried them for some time under my TW Accustic Raven one on a wall shelf and Leema Antilla CDP, against my existing Stillpoints with Risers and Black Ravioli footers. The difference, well marginal at best, a bit tighter base and better dynamics, the music sounded subjectively louder. Did I think the difference worth the cost? No I'm afraid I did'nt. Well actually I am not afraid come to think of it. The thought of the cost of replacing all my footers with Ultras, as some have done, would have been daunting. I am sure others have definitely heard a big difference.

I can almost hear the chorus response, your system, ears or both, are'nt up to hearing a difference. Does anyone recall the Fairy Story about The Emperors New Clothes?
Ebm, I sold all of my Roller Blocks long ago. I thought the original Aurios were much better.
Five years case I didn't mention it before, the Stillpoints - at least the Ultra Mini Risers - must be moved around underneath the device to find the spot where they suppress resonances best. And that is not always the four corners of your component. I suggest you move them one at a time. When you get improvement on one riser, leave it alone and go to the next one.
TAS had an article two years ago, done in what I thought was a very scientific method: the writers moved the location of all the various footers (Stillpoints, Nordost and others) and were surprised to find that the location of the footers contributed greatly to the sonics. So did Roy Gregory when he reviewed them. Don't just throw them under the corners of components and think you've mastered their sound. You haven't even begun the long hours of finding the "sweet spot," as the authors found out.
All of these resonance control gizmos do just have to select your favorite taste