Stillpoints or Audio Points, has anyone compared

It there a difference in sound, when using Stillpoints and if so, what to expect.

Are Stillpoints better than Audio Points.
Trying to figure out how do they differ in sound.

Also are all brass cones, even thought from different companies , do they all do the same thing or are there that are superior.
Lak has both Audiopoints and Stillpoints. We tried the Stillpoints against Goldmund cones and the Goldmund's were better. Audiopoints are cost effective--and I have a couple sets--but they do fall short if top performance is the goal. I would not use them in my most critical applications. The Stillpoints are very expensive when compared to what a simple DIY project can achieve. The Goldmund cones adhere to the principle of using a vibration sink. My experience is in agreement with Jayboard's. The vibration sink is necessary for best results. My system relies heavily on non resonant, Caribbean Moca wood as a vibration sink.
I'm not sure it's fair to compare Stillpoints to Audiopoints because of the cost difference. The Sistrum SP-1, made by Audiopoints, is about the same price as the Stillpoints. The Stillpoints provided some improvement, but the SP-1 was clearly better in my system. I think it's best to experiment with each component and vibration product.

A Sistrum dealer contacted me after my post about still using a lead platform under my Berning amp. He suggested Sistrum discs under the amp, and that I need to give it 4 to 7 days to work. I don't know about that, maybe I'll try that sometime, but right now a lead platform works best under that specific component. I don't need to understand all the science, I try it in the system and if it sounds better it stays, but I'm convinced that no one product works best in every situation.

The Sistrum SP-1 is a remarkable piece of engineering. The six points work with the metal bracketing structure(I don't know what they call it) to work as a total resonance transferrence device. I have 4 SP-1s. Originally I(first experience with Audiopoints) had my electronics on the typical Audiopoint triad. As good as they were, moving up to the SP-1s provided a more profound change.
Tom, theaudiotweak, came over today and brought some discs to use between the Sistrums and my wood shelf. He said it would make a big difference and it did. I have used the discs between the components and the Sistrum so not to scratch the gear, but I didn't think discs under the SP-1s would matter much. Tom said it would make a big difference on a wood shelf for several reasons that went over my head--all I care about is does it sound better.

I must admit the music was mor focused withbetter bass. It's hard to imagine that a few little discs could make the system sound better but it did allow me to hear more in to the music.

Again, one size fits all doesn't work, but I would strongly recommend trying these in your system, and, one of these days I might try the Sistrums and discs under my Berning and see what happens.
84...did Tom give you some Koolaid beforehand...wink...wink...

I'm sure looking forward to hearing what some of the vibration control products will sound like in my system.