Store auditioning and then buying on-line from others. How do you feel about it ?

Doesn't look too pretty, but who cares, right ?
Soundsrealaudio, thanks so much for sharing that. And have a happy holiday and a prosperous new year. I am sure that you are one of great dealers out there. 
And interestingly, I can’t stand dealers and find them to be the dial telephones of the new century. But I would never use one for showrooming.
Agree with the ethical posture of not taking what you don't pay for. 

I have thoroughly auditioned almost everything in my system. Often I have bought used and auditioned with great satisfaction other times bought used using a review w/o audition and wasted hundreds. Reviews are only a starting point.  A set of speakers can sound COMPLETELY different given different amplifiers- never mind DACS or preamps! If you skip dealer auditions you may never know how good your system might have sounded. You can also save time and money by avoiding lateral moves. 
If you buy online to save $$ but SKIP dealer auditions, then I think you are fair. The risk is yours. However, what will the future look like?
Disagree that dealers are making money.
I remember when there were many more dealers and it seemed more satisfying then. Remember it's a HOBBY. 
Incredible to read that dealers are making trillions and trillions with extra billions on the side- How is it that so many dealers are closing?? 
WE are forcing dealers to cater to wealthier customers because typical buyers are not showing up. 
Audiophiles, audio enthusiasts, dealers, and manufacturers are generally very nice people. I will be very sad when there are NO dealers in my area.
I think if this thread has shown us anything really good dealers are rare and should be prized. If you find one patronize that dealer and treat him fairly and you will be repaid in good advice and likely less money wasted.
Added value, exactly.....  I purposely mentioned Audio Visual Therapy because they aren't like most dealers...... 

Conrad Johnson Classic preamp...lengthy audition, generous trade in, great price

NAD M51 DAC,  lengthy audition,  best price of anyone , the unit locked up three weeks later and they had a new one two days later.

Klipsch Heresy III ,  lengthy audition , best price , no shipping, no tax....had them in less than a week.

These are just a few examples but all were purchased locally with top notch service and support.....

Boston and surrounding suburbs had many, many hi fi dealers .  I have been into this for 35 + years and remember you couldn't even turn the corner without hitting one.   Today there are only a handful.

AV Therapy is one of the good ones,  as was Spearit but sadly they are gone , there are a few not so good ones too.