storing vinyl, reducing damage over many years

Hi -

I bought 3 of these that I have stacked successfully one on top of each other and filled with albums:

(I didn't buy it directly there, I bought it on ETSY, but the etsy link no longer appears valid, so I am referencing this web link).

I was basically happy with everything, I did the assembly, everything is solid.

My question: will the lack of any support in the middle area of the albums, over many years, cause damage to the albums? I went through and find a certain percent of my albums were drooping down through damaged covers, so for now I have removed these. I don't know, some might say this is paranoid, but if they sit there for 10-20-30 years and ultimately some of them over time are damaged, it would bother me, so I figured I'd ask the question now.
I would have considered buying one of these (a variant from the same seller that has the supportive bottom built in) if only I'd known about them before. I bought on etsy where these didn't seem to be there, as far as I knew.
Ok, I have received the 3 inlays, placed them in, they fit perfectly and have done the job. In the end I'm pleased with the overall product, ... everything seems solid. I appreciate the help of the people here in this forum in confirming that I was right to be concerned about the lack of a supporting shelf.

I submitted a review to the store that names my concern, constructively I hope and encourages them to consider the possibility of discontinuing selling the variant without the supportive inlay.
It turns out, they did publish my review on their website, including my concerns about the support for the vinyl on the bottom, over many years:

So, I think if others are additionally concerned about vinyl archiving questions in general, and about whether the company's products could do some damage over the coming decades if they are distributed without the support shelves, perhaps it would be possible to take up the issue by communicating politely to the company that the concern may be well-founded. I didn't know enough about these issues to say so for certain.