Strangest Tweak?

Bricks atop amps, sandbads atop speakers,snake oil? And i am sure this is only the tip of the iceberg...
Hi Sebrof, If you wait for "science" to "prove" something that your ears already hear then you can wait a very long time. Those who won't trust their own ears are those who lose out. "Science" says I should have been dead years ago yet here I am 20 years later alive and well and as fit as a fiddle. I have learned to take "science" with a grain of salt. Some things can be explained, some things cannot be explained, and some people refuse to listen to any explanations because their opinions are more important to them. For me, the only thing that matters is if something works or not. Everything else is irrelevant.
Dude #1: "When I turn the volume knob on my system to the right the music gets louder and when I tuen it left it get lower. I have no idea how it works and science can't explain it but o know what I hear."
Dude #2: "Actually it is explained. When you turn the knob to the right the potentiometer sends more of the audio signal to the amplifier..."
Dude #1: "No that's not it. This can't be explained by science. Go ahead and keep a closed mind but I know what I hear."
Dude #2: "enjoy your beaks" :)
"If you wait for "science" to "prove" something that your ears already hear then you can wait a very long time."

How true. If Bumblebees had waited for science to explain how, they wouldn't have achieved flight until recently. The pity of it is, that this truism, coupled with the enormous profits and subjectivity inherent to high end audio, is tantamount to ringing the dinner bell for every flimflam man, snake oil salesman and hustler on the planet.
Please keep in mind that without science, there would be no invention of audio equipment and thus no such hobby called HiFi, and we would not have this science vs. mystical force discussion.
here's a tweak nobody evr thought of:

when playing a cd for a second time, press open, twice, and replay the cd.