Subwoofer advice

Sorry in advance for the long post but I thought it would be helpful to give as much context as possible in order to receive the most accurate advice.

I am new to this subwoofer thing. Currently I have a traditional stereo system. Dedicated amp/pre/dac and Harbeth 30.2 speakers. Now I am not unhappy with the bass output of the Harbeths, in fact, I was impressed with the useful output I heard under 50hz, even though they're only rated to 50hz.

I was thinking adding a powered sub or perhaps two subs would be beneficial as my Harbeths start to roll off around 40hz and I get no useful output below 30hz or so. I don't consider myself a bass head but I do like the occasional Daft Punk song, and know that a good sized woofer can make all the difference in a system. I think the Harbeth Radial driver is swell, but it struggles at higher spl, under 50hz. (Herb Reichart mentioned the logo will rattle against the enclosure with strong subbass, he wasn't joking)

I don't wish to add a processor into my chain for subwoofer management, even though I could (my preamp has home theatre bypass) I would rather do the "traditional" way where I set the crossover of the sub to maybe around 40hz and adjust placement in room manually by ear.

My room is small, 10x14.

My questions are thus: what brand should I look to get?

Should I get one or two subs? One to start?

What considerations must I factor in for seamless integration?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
Thanks all for the help, I am looking to get a full range speaker to replace the harbeths with. Seems like the better, simpler solution than trying to round it out with subs. Honestly, I didn’t even want to change anything, its my significant other who seems really keen on it.

I was seduced by Harbeth marketing! I shoulda gotten something different, something better. Shoulda Woulda Coulda. You guys know I haven’t even been in this hobby for longer than a year right? Plus I’m 1/3 of your guys age. I’ve got plenty of time to learn more. Let this be a lesson learned... at least I didn't blow $30k on a single component like some of you guys... also I'll be able to sell the Harbeths for pretty much 90% what I bought em for. Got lucky there, I guess.

And all this said and I haven’t even really said anything about how I like how my Harbeths sound. I love them to bits. Obviously when you read a thread like this it seems I’m not 100% pleased with the bass output in my system. But I’m mostly pleased. As I said before, I'm not the only person who has a say in my system. It’s as simple as that. If it were up to me I’d stick with things as is, maybe add a sub.

And yeah I guess thanks Audiotroy for your suggestions and pointing out that I bought a speaker that doesn’t do bass. I actually knew that buying them. Blame the boyfriend for putting thoughts of upgrading into my head...

This thread has served its purpose. See: the new thread I’ve made, titled Deadalus Audio speakers Muse or Muse studio?
Dave and Troy (audiotroy) just posted "the Rythmik (correct spelling ;-) subs I don't think can derive their signal from an amplifier." Look two posts above theirs, where I said Rythmiks do exactly that. The A370 (in the F12 sub) and H600 (in the F15HP and other models) plate amps have hookups for BOTH line level (from say a pre-amp) and high level (from a power amp) sources---your choice which to use. Dave and Troy---got it now? ;-)
@d2girls Congrats on the 30.2s. I just upgraded from 30.1s recently to the .2s and love them. I had the same issues with Harbeth as you are having re bass.  My solution was as several have suggested here - adding sub(s). I started with one HSU VTF-1 MK2, then added a second. Each add was an improvement. I then upgraded to dual HSUs ULS-15 mk2s as the smaller sub was not adequate from my larger listening space. To my ears and taste the ULS-15/m30.2 combination equals virtually anything I have heard in a showroom (except the $175K Naim/Focal system at my local dealer's open-house last week.)

I then added an external HSU High-End Crossover unit. Despite what is IMHO a miserable build quality, the external crossover adds a bit of magic to the bass while allowing the Harbeth to shine where it does best - in mids an highs.

I do have a question about inserting an external crossover unit into a high end system which I will post in this thread. But in all, subs do the trick with the m.30.2s
@audiotroy  As posted above, I also have Harbeth m30.2s. 

I solved the Harbeth bass issue by adding dual HSU ULS15 mk-2s. (My listening room is (a) 12 x 14 for near field, which opens to (b) 20 x 30 which is why I upgraded the HSUs from VTF1 MK3s to the ULS 15s.

Also, having recently added the HSU High-End External Crossover I have a question:

I have been told that inserting a crossover between amp and pre will degrade the preamp output with noise, distortion, phase-shift, etc. when you go through the crossover electronics.  Also, that an external cross-over will also defeat any benefit of high-end after-market interconnects in the pre/x-over/amp path. 

Do you have any thoughts about this?
Thanks for any input.

(PS Audio BHK 300 monos, Audible Illusions L3A line stage, DSPeaker Anti-mode 8033, Modwright-modded Oppo Sonica DAC, Fidleizer Nimitra S server; cables - Syn Res; Wywires; Wireworld),