Subwoofer hookup

I have a great sounding high end system that I'm very happy with. It consists of Dynaudio Confidence 5 speakers, a Plinius SA-250 Mk 4 power amp, a Mark Levinson 380 preamp, 37 disc transport and 360S DAC with Nordost SPM interconnects. My question is: if I wanted to integrate a subwoofer into this system, how do I do it? Where does one "splice" it in? And if it was doable what would be an appropriate make and model of subwoofer that could seamlessly integrate into this system. I look forward to your response.

I suppose I'll throw in my .02 for the Rels. I've actually heard dynaudio confidence 3's hooked up with a rel. Sounded pretty impressive. It was done using the speaker level, which is how I have my rel storm III hooked up at home. It's fairly easy, since the bare wire can be wrapped around the binding posts without really getting in the way of the spades for the speaker cables. If your 380 has two sets of main outs, you can use any sub with a line level input, since most good subs have an internal crossover (although of course you can always use an external, though that's more dough in the end probably). Most subs can also be put 'between' a preamp and an amp, using line level inputs and outputs on the sub, or between an amp and speakers, using speaker level inputs and outputs on the sub. In my experience this generally degrades the signal to the mains, though my experience is not that vast. Just as one final added note, to throw in with cornfedboy, the rels do have many advantages for integration with the mains. however, they're generally crossed over lower than other subs, and it will be a bit more difficult with speakers that won't go very low.

After trying several ways to integrate a sub, I came to the conclusion that the only way to actually improve the system was to use an active x-over. Run interconnects from the pre to the active x-over, then run one pair of interconnects from the x-over to the main amp and another pair of interconnects to a sub amp (or a powered sub). Then run speaker wires from the main amp to the speakers and, if you're running a separate sub amp, from that amp to the sub. Dial in the x-over frequency and volume and you are set.

Being overly simplistic, the active x-over will ONLY give the desired low frequencies to the sub with NONE to the main speakers, while the main speakers will ONLY get those frequencies above the x-over point with NONE going to the sub. The speakers and sub will meld together better than the "passive" or "semi-passive" set-ups described in previous posts and the main speakers will play much clearer with much less effort as they no longer have to deal with power hungry low frequencies. (Passive x-overs don't divide the frequencies very well, so subs and mains still get each other's frequencies. Might just as well turn up the bass tone control- if you have one- and skip the sub!)

Passive installation methods tend to add a little more volume to the bass, but tend to degrade the sound quality of the main speakers somewhat or, at best, break even. An active x-over will significantly improve the sound quality of the sub AND the main speakers.

A modest active x-over starts at around $200 (new) and is well worth the additional expense.

At least, that's my experience.....

I have the same levinson setup with a 336 amp, i was thinking the same. im using all balanced ic so i will use the rca output from the 380s to the sub of choise. this should work fine!