Sugden a21 question....

I need a little help as a relative novice. I just bought Gallo Reference III speakers (which I love by the way) and am now looking into a new integrated amp. The Sugden a21 is very intriguing to me, but I wonder if the 25 watts of class A power is enough to drive my 88db speakers. Any information would be very appreciated.
There is a newer version of the Sugden A21a (an amp I use to own)just being released in the UK.It's more modern looking and costs twice the price.The new A21SE is rated at 21W but remember Class A is a different ball game.
Correction the SE is rated at 30 into 8ohms. It would run them but the price in USD is around 3500-3750.
The new A21SE is rated at 21W but remember Class A is a different ball game.

May be a different ball game, but still not in the right ball park in my experience. Two of the SS amps I've tried with my 89db SR17's were class A. The Aleph 5 putting out 50wpc, and the Bedinie 25/25 putting out, you guessed it, 25wpc. Both class A amps. In a larger space both could put out a fairly satisfying volume, but if you ever wanted to push it with dynamic music, again the results were less than satisfying in comparison to more powerful amps. In a smaller room you may be fine. But I'd still say you'd be on the borderline. $3k+ is a whole lot to risk...I'd see if you can get to audition them in your system before dropping that kind of coin.

Thank you all for your replies. That is kind of what I figured, but thought I would ask anyway. So it looks like it goes to my next two choices, which are the Portal Panache or the Unico with the Underwood Level 2 mod.
Any opinions on those?
I've only heard the un-modded standard Unico, but with some premium tube (don't recall which), and only in two very similar systems paired off with Solilquy 5.3 speakers (90db efficient floorstanders). In one room it sounded pretty compelling to me, in my own room not nearly as much so. I find the Panache far more engaging and much better at rendering a dimensional soundstage. Now I have no experience with the Underwood modded Unico, nor the newer Unico SE. They've both recieved great reviews, as did the original. I think synergy and personal preferences are going to be a strong determinant of what works for you.
