Supratek Chenin or Cortese

Was thinking about purchasing either a new Chenin or Cortese. Was wondering how much difference in the two are. Looking for people with experience with these two pre amps. Is it worth the extra for the Cortese? I am going to be using the preamp phono stage only for playing records.
Can anyone recommend a shop who could work on a supratek preamp in NYC or, if not in NYC,near NYC? Thanks
How do these units really hold up?? Is there anyone who has had bad experiences with these units? I was ready to buy one but i received an email that said they where not all they where suppose to be.
Worldcat,I have had my Chardonnay preamp for going on 5 years or so now without a single problem.I play it at least 5 to 10 hours a week and I havent experienced any "upgradeitis"" yet! I would"nt hesitate to buy one of these preamps .good "bang for the buck" and in my case very reliable also.
My Chenin has been very reliable, even after I have made all the above mods to it. Not one single problem, ever.

Some folks get put off by the point-to-point wiring job in the Suprateks; it is a bit of a rat's nest, but that doesn't seem to be a reliability or performance issue for me. After my mods I measured the noise and hum and it was <2mV total.

I much prefer the sound post-mods, but that is my personal preference. I find that the mods result in sharper focus, more clarity, and a more holographic soundstage.