Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Tsushima, contact berniceskaudio at to order the Telos Quantum X2.

Oregonpapa, I didn't run the Black fuse for 70 hours. I just didn't like the tonality. I may put it back in, but I like the Telos at the moment.

Gwalt's Beeswax impressions are spot on. Voices and instruments are beautiful. I had many wow educational moments with it. But it's just too aggressive in my DAC for extended listening.

Lucky day for you! I also have a Marantz SA11-S1 player. It uses 5 fuses for the various rail circuits. The print on the circuit board says 1 amp small slow blow 250 volt. I have blown a fuse (middle one) of the five fuses. This went to the CD drive- laser mechanism.  I talked to Marantz repair and put in 1.6 amp fuses in these 5 locations. No more blown fuses. The main power fuse is also located inside the unit and can not be replaced by the customer ! The best you can do for this fuse location is put a WA Quantum Chip (for small fuse $6.00 ) on top of the soldered in place main power  fuse. I think you can get both fuses and the WA Chip from High_End Electronics, Apple Valley, California.

The cover comes off but it takes courage not a Marantz tech. After the screws (3) along the top of the back are removed, you need muscle. The top slides towards the back 1/2 inch and then lifts straight up and off. There are two places along the top back cover to insert a long flat head screw driver and pull the cover towards the back. You can also put a thin flat head screwdriver along the front seam to help move the cover backwards. The covers are really on tight  but do come off. I do have a few tiny mar marks from removing the cover. I got over that and now pop the lid more frequently than on my Honda mini van! 

Problems- call me: five-seven-five-six-four-four-one-four-six-two.

David Pritchard
I believe that the Telos,SR Black and the Beeswax are all upper tier level fuses. As with all competing top quality products the ranking hierarchy will vary due to different components and systems as well as listener taste. The Black fuses are fabulous in my system. Yet curiosity tempts me to try the Telos or a Beeswax fuse in my Line Stage just for fun of comparison. I'd likely find all three to be excellent while each one sonically different from each other. 

The cost of these fuses makes such experimentation feasible as compared to power cables, interconnects and obviously components. 
As so many contributors  to  this thread have verified,  these premium quality fuses make a considerable impact on an audio system. 

I consider myself a very strong advocate for the use of these premier fuses for their performance improvement and high value proposition. 
macdude ...

Ah-Ha, just as I suspected ... you haven't heard what the SR Black fuses can do. :-)

I agree exactly with your observation on the tonality of the unbroken in fuses. After swapping out the two SR Red fuses in the CD player and installing the SR Black fuses I did hear more transparency but not the overall musicality of the broken in Red fuses.  But after the SR Blacks burned in, there was no comparison. The Blacks win hands down. No contest. I'm amazed. My audiophile friends who've heard the system with both the Reds and the Blacks are amazed at the improvements afforded by the Blacks over the Reds. 

Give the SR Black fuse at least 70 hours break in. I think you'll be pleased and rewarded with the effort.

Take care ...
After 96 hours of continuous burn-in, the two fuses inside of my SACD Player is really starting to open up, much smoother and the hard upper region is Gone and I'm hearing more texture, body and subtle cues on guitars, violins and cellos...

I inserted the SRB fuse into my Integrated amp last night and done some initial fuse orientation cold right out of the box just to get a sense of the sound with zero hours; results similar to what I experienced with my CD Player but different in many ways. One direction produced a more organic sound that was upfront in imaging but very little detail. A quick flip of the fuse and things changed, soundstage drastically shifted 4-5 feet behind the plane of the speakers allowing you to hear the recording venue of the Artists.

More to follow on the Amp fuses in 4 days with the tube power supply being the next upgrade...