Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I am glad you mentioned the fact that your Grandmother could hear and appreciate the improved sound using isolating speaker stands.

My Mother is 92 and legally blind from macular degeneration. Like your Grandmother she appreciates what she hears, and probably could care less what isolating material  a speaker stand uses or what materials or treatments are done to a fuse to improve the music. Many days are difficult for my Mother. When she feels  the stress of advanced age she turns on her music system. She has the Synergistic Research Black fuses installed in her DAC, Amp, and Sub Woofers. They were installed one at a time and each time she heard an improvement. She gladly paid the cost of the fuses. She said "Well your spending your inheritance".

I answered , " No my inheritance is the joy I hear in your voice and the smile I see on your face  when you listen to your music:.

Nobody can take that away from me.

David Pritchard
I look at audiogon as a community of like minded people sharing a comment passion. As a result a level of trust and respect is developed and information and experiences are shared. For example it was Grannyring who 4 years ago  enthusiastically recommended to me to try the Duelund CAST capacitors in my speaker's crossover. Due to my high regard for his judgement and taste I heeded his advice.  This was one of the best decisions I've made for my audio system. This is one example out of many that I could cite. 

Over the years on this forum I've given and have received worthwhile advice and impressions on numerous products. When I stop to ponder on it I appreciate exactly how long that list has become. There have been many rewarding experiences for me on Audiogon.  Oregonpapa started this thread and it caught my interest.  I am ever grateful he took the time to  share his very positive outcome with the SR Red fuses.  I payed little attention to the marketing advertising, rather I put weight based on the reliable members direct listening impressions and their commentary. 

I'm sure he had no idea or intention to generate the response that followed, but good news about good sounding and affordable  products do have a way of spreading. This benefits many of us music lovers and strengthens bonds of trust. These premium fuses discussed here are superb and inexpensive for what they render. The icing on the cake is you have 30 days to judge their worth in your own system. What could be better than that opportunity?  The multitude of testimonials of seasoned and reputable members here is inspiring in my opinion. 
mapman ...

I had completely changed all of my HFi tuning fuses for the SR RED fuses. The first ones went into the ARC REF-3 line stage. Big bang there.  It seemed to be the most effective place at the time. BUT, when I replaced the RED fuses in the CD player with the Black fuses, I'd say that the source is the biggest improvement.  That was a HUGE bang for the buck. After the 70 hour break in time, the Black fuses, much to my amazement, are just stomping all over the RED fuses. Now, keep in mind that I still have the RED fuses in the line stage, the phono stage and the amp. I'll be swapping those out for the BLACK fuses soon ... one at a time.

I played records last night instead of CD's ... and I have to say, those RED fuses in the phono stage still sound (or don't sound as the case may be), amazing too. So freakin' musical.  

Stay tuned.

David ...

What a wonderful testament to your mother. God bless her ... and you too for being the son you are.  The world is full of people who took their parents for granted and are ruing the day. One thing for sure, David, discipline weighs ounces ... regret weighs tons.  

Charles ...

Yes, you are exactly right. This thread was started with no expectation of where it would lead. I visited the Synergistic Research Facebook site last night. They have a link to this thread. As a result, this thread is being shared with our international audio friends as well. 

Quite honestly, I hope the SR guys sell a million of these fuses. They deserve it. Hey, three thumbs up for capitalism!

Take care ...
I'm inclined to suggest source or the preamp based on my listening.  Knghifi on the other hand found his power  amplifiers the most receptive.  So as is often the case in audio ,it just depends.