Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
George wrote,

"Well said Whitestix
There’s way too much voodoo in this industry that not substantiated with any technical explanation offered. (Note: that was almost a compete sentence)

EG: Shun Mook Mpingo room treatment devices.

After all every piece of equipment that everyone owns, is made using the laws of electronics and test gear to develop it. Anyone who has something that’s not made using these has voodoo gear."

George, we’ve already gone over all of that. There is nothing voodoo about the Mpingo discs. Ignorance of the laws of science is no excuse. The particular method of operation is actually provided on the Shun Mook web page for Mpingo discs. Don’t get so freaked out by such simple and easy to understand audio devices as Mpingo discs, tiny little bowl resonators, Shakti Halographs, Marigo VTS dots, Graphene fuses, or what have you.

"Knowledge is what’s left after you forgot everything you learned in school." - Old audiophile axiom

geoff at Machina Dynamica

Oregonpapa wrote,

"I find it very interesting that so many of us are getting astounding results from the SR fuses ... and yet, there are the few who get nothing out of them at all. I understand the skepticism though."

Well, for one thing that’s not really skepticism, assuming they tried the fuses. The word "skepticism" is usually reserved for those who refuse to try things based on some sort of gut reaction or the feeling that the laws of physics have somehow been violated. Or they just like going after audiophiles and audiophile tweaks. ;-)

"Early on in this thread I made the statement that I’ve been burned before by tweaks that didn’t work ... and if it hadn’t been for the 30 day return policy, I wouldn’t have tried the first SR Red fuse that I bought. I’m so glad I did. I can’t think of any other tweak I’ve tried in over 40 years in the hobby that has made such an outstanding improvement in the system."

Just curious, which tweaks did you try that didn’t work for you, that you felt burned by? As I already mentioned, there are many reasons why audiophiles sometimes don’t get good results even with the most reliable of tweaks. I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it certainly appears fuses are destined to go down as controversial tweaks, even twenty years after aftermarket fuses were introduced. Controversial because of the skeptics, controversial because results are somewhat mixed, and controversial because they are so small and innocuous.

"I’ve made similar improvements but its always involved major upgrades in equipment. A case in point was when I replaced my ARC SP-14 with the ARC REF-3. Or the ARC Classic 60 replaced with the REF-75. Those were major improvements, but not more so than upgrading to the SR fuses and power cords. Why there are those who cannot hear the improvements is beyond me. A mystery to be sure."

I can certainly understand the melodrama but it’s not really a mystery why some people cannot hear certain tweaks. It happens all the time. It happens with cables, it happens with power cords, it happens with Mpingo discs, it happens with CD treatments, with demagnetizers, with contact enhancers and it happens with it happens with fuses. We already know, for example, if the user inserts the Fuse in the wrong direction he might not like what he hears. Speaking of which, is everyone on board the directionality of the Black fuse, that the correct direction is determined by the letters S and R on the fuse? The dude with the DartZeel equipment reported otherwise, IIRC.


geoff kait at Machina Dynamica
I find it very interesting that so many of us are getting astounding results from the SR fuses ... and yet, there are the few who get nothing out of them at all. ... Why there are those who cannot hear the improvements is beyond me. A mystery to be sure.

Same reason one hears different degrees of improvement in components with aftermarket fuses where degree can be zero.

In my case, tube amp most sensitive, follow by tube pre and then SS amp = tube DAC.

I liked the SR Red , but the original fuse has more body and weight in the sound, now, if black was better in these parameters than Red, this will be interesting.

  Synergistic Research Black fuese has more weight and body, midbass compared to Red???

Been out town oregonpapa. Your comment on my 90% profit note on 3/22.

I have no problem with that percentage" if-in-fact it makes a noticable difference."

                                       Just a statement.

Here are a list that I tried an own. 1.HI-FI Tuning all different #'s going back 8 yrs.

                                                     2.Snyergestics: All the SR series. & Red.

                                                     3. Furutech: T series

                                                     4. Audio Magic. Super fuse series.

What am using. Audio Magic fuses all the way. "I've not tried the Beeswax."

This requires (9) fuses for all of my Gear. If your addition is good. Then its

easy to see why 90% profit NOTE.   Has weight to ones wallet

 Now someone tell  ME which piece of my gear to try the BLACK fuse with FIRST to confirm it's a out & out revelation>> or not.!!
