Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Jason ...

Thank you for the kind words. You have a sweet spirit about you Jason ... a real rarity in today's world. It was a fun listening session for sure and a pleasure having you over to my place.

Don't forget ... I still owe you those two Rachmaninoff live concert CD's ... the 2nd and 3rd piano concertos with the L.A. Phil. 

Charles ...

I have that Evans/Bennett album on vinyl. Outstanding recommendation. They are "in the room." Its truly  demo quality. 

To all of my friends ... 

As of this coming Tuesday morning, I will not be posting here for awhile. I'm having heart surgery to replace three defective valves. Its amazing how our hobby, when the proper music is being played, can ease the angst. Please think good thoughts on Tuesday and/or keep me in your prayers. 

Thanks, guys ... 


Your Tidal streaming offers so much, see if this is available. "Tony Bennett/Bill Evans " recorded in 1975 and it’s just beautiful music. I think you’ll like it.  Evan's piano accompanying is gorgeous and Bennett is in peak form. 
Hi Jason,
A friend of mine did a similar Audio Horizon and SR Black fuses comparison. Generally speaking the Black fuse was uniformly excellent in all applications. The one exception was his Absolare Altius preamplifier where he preferred the Audio Horizon fuse. Both were very good but felt there was better synergy with the A.H.fuse.
Hi Jason,
Great post and you’re very lucky to have gotten to hear Frank’s system! I’ve drooled over it from afar, and even better you met Frank the person, who I’ve come to really admire interacting on here. And bravo to you and your fried doing A/B fuse comparisons, better you guys than me! :-p

I guess I will end with what will hopefully become our new tagline:
"Fuses, fusing people together one song at a time"

Happy Friday all!
Game changer. Yeah, we get it. We also get that it’s not really liquid metal.

Actually it is. By all known forms of definition.

Well, ok... by all known popularized forms of definition.
The difference between 93db and 90db speakers does make a fairly large difference at least in how speakers respond to a low powered amp (or any amp)…few Cary amps were as low powered as the Inspire stuff seems to be so I bet most Cary amps will do fine with 90db speakers. 3db is, as some say, YUGE.

Also, I'm required to say this from time to time: Any fuses, when working properly, can't and consequently don't do anything to enhance the tone of your gear. Does anybody disagree with this? No? Well there ya' go.
Brief update...

I met with Frank. His system is almost as amazing as he is. The best part is, the whole time we were listening to it, all we did was talk about the music, not the system. About as good as it gets.

Since, I have added a Synergistic Black to my amp. It’s still breaking in, but Jocelyn and I listened to everything from Daft Punk, to XTC, to the Lighthouse All Stars (thank you Frank), and it’s like the system has transcended. Drums are unbelievably real. Piano, too.

Also met with another ’gonner named Ciro. We did an A/B with an Audio Horizons fuse and a Synergistic Black in his Conrad Johnson CA150. To me, it was a no contest. The Black fuse was just real.

Pretty neat stuff. Best thing about this thread is that I’ve met some good people, and listened to some good music because of it. The fuses are just the bonus.

Very possible the Sonist is an easier load and more compatible with SET/SEP amplifiers than the Soliloquy.

Very true Charles, though if I recall correctly, Dennis Had had a hand in the development of the Soliloquy line of speakers. I seem to recall they were also manufactured in North Carolina, and Dennis helped design them so that they had a very stable, 8 ohm load.

In fact, here is a quote from a review of the Soliloquy 6.3:

Fixtures at every audio show I've attended, Soliloquy loudspeakers have a growing reputation among my ilk of audiophile -- tube lovers, that is. I understand that Cary Audio's Dennis Had designed the original two Soliloquy speakers, which have been long discontinued, and then sold the rights to the name Soliloquy to the current owner, Bernie Byers, who has bulked out the line.

Certainly, 93 dB is more efficient than 90 dB, but I wouldn't think that would be a night and day difference.

However, the proof is in the listening.

I simply happen to have some KT150s hanging around attempting to escape from their boxes (I know what’s going on man…I notice the little open box lids), otherwise I’m happy with the amp as is. Also, I noticed a Merrill Audio ad someplace and since I already like solid core (who doesn’t? Like Linc from Mod Squad said, "Solid!") I ordered a pair of interconnects…didn’t notice the "hand made" bit and asked when they were shipping…oops...interesting response where Mister Merrill noted the WEEKS it takes to make these things, so hey…I’ll wait. I meter cable…won’t make ’em in advance…no no no…does that cut into my 60 day return policy? (kidding…really…)
Very possible the Sonist is an easier load and more compatible with SET/SEP amplifiers than the Soliloquy. Sonist was designed specifically to mate with these types of amplifiers from the very beginning.

Nice to hear Wolf is having audiophile shrangrala (that's from 3 dog night for you Wolf) with the new amp and some very nice speakers. Enjoy
When I tried one of Dennis’ KT88 Fire Bottle amps a couple of years ago, I was told that the transformers in the KT88 would not handle the KT150 tubes. Even back then, Dennis was making amps with different (larger) transformers where he was running KT150 tubes in a SEP design.
His recommendation was to buy a KT150 Fire Bottle amp, with the larger transformers, if you wanted to run the KT150 tubes. Hence, upon Dennis’ recommendation, I never tried the KT150 tube in my KT88 Fire Bottle amp.

Of course, as you may know, I had NO success at all with the KT88 Fire Bottle amp with my 90 dB, 8 ohm Soliloquy speakers. I tried the KT88’s and 6V6 output tubes (Dennis’ favorite), but sadly neither worked well at all.
I have heard that some folks love Had’s Fire Bottle amps though, so there is much to be said about system synergy and varying tastes.

On the other hand, I have had success with SR Black fuses, so take that for what it’s worth. ;^)
Yeah…this amp is surprising and I assume some synergy with the new biwire happened…or something, and I have a high threshold of surprise. Had states in the Youtube interview (and elsewhere, mostly his own hype when he lists stuff) that his transformers can run a small city at Xmas. Not sure if that’s relevant to the KT150 tube thing but I’ve read piles of threads on at least 4 sites about these amps, and will read more if I can take it…I’m flooded with info, but happily whatever tubes came with the amp seem to work swimmingly.
I’m surprised that the Had Inspire SEP amplifier mated to the Sonist speaker is such a large step above in SQ compared to the amplifier it replaced. Another example of the importance of power amplifier and speaker matching/synergy. The current edition Had Inspire amps probably have better transformers/power supplies than their earlier versions. Good news.
@wolf_garcia - The current capability of your transformer is also a consideration. I’d recommend contacting Dennis for info, but wouldn’t know how(these days). Sorry I couldn’t offer more, though you may be able to glean something from this thread: ( It appears some have used KT120 and 150’s, as well as various NOS rectifiers(with Had’s blessings).  Happy listening!
Update, since I KNOW people around here care deeply about my gear: I scored (obtained?) a supposedly barely used (made in Dec. 2016) Dennis Had Inspire Fire Bottle SEP amp to pair with my 93db efficient new Sonist speakers. New AQ biwire cable also. The amp sports (!) new Russian Gold Lion KT88s, an Amperex 6SN7GTB driver tube and a JJ 5Y3 S rectifier. I had been put off by the tone of the new Sonists to the point of dismay…lack of air in the treble maybe…but YOWZA…the Fire Bottle fixed everything, kicks it at any level I can stand, and is the bargain of the century (such as it is). It’s a small miracle, and hey…I’m an atheist! The Sonists (Recital 3s…their "smaller" floor stander) sound clear as a bell, the mid issues (especially piano…I’m a piano freak) are gone, and seriously…hats off to Had. Anybody know if the 5Y3 tube allows use of KT150s? Please post the answer immediately. I have some I want to try in there although the amp sounds great as is. Also, to stay on topic, I took the fuse out, cleaned the contacts (they looked clean…but hey…I care), and replaced it with itself in the now antiseptic fuse holder. And there ya’ go.
So, with some recent upgrades I haven't been able to tear myself away from the audio system. Therefore the absence from the forum and this thread.

Do any of you like Harry Connick Jr.?  I have five of  his recordings on CD and every one of them puts Harry in the room. He' a little bit Tony Bennett, a little bit Frank Sinatra, a little bit Jack Jones. Here's a few that I can vouch for:

This one is kind of rare ... Its just jazz ... good jazz recorded very well. No vocals:

You won't be disappointed in any of the above selections. 

Wolf I think the amps you mean are Einstein. Or Audio Valve its one of those two I can't recall which one.
Game changer. Yeah, we get it. We also get that it's not really liquid metal.

Just wanted to give folks here a heads up about Teo Audio’s Game Changer liquid metal ICs

I recently got a pair, and, I have to say, room temperature liquid metal as a conductor really does seem to be a "game changer".
Contacts on fuse holders, if working and cleaned occasionally, don't require enhancement…simply cleaning. However, if graphene juice means you don't have to worry about cleaning the things, and the deadly and previously never worried about "micro arcing" is stopped dead in its possibly non existent tracks, maybe I'll get some, unless it's stupidly expensive…I'll have to apologize to my can of Deoxit. Also, I lied about never mentioning artists again (hey…it's OK to lie…part of our new world) as I worked with the beautiful and perky completely cool Anat Cohen a few months ago and, although I was already a fan, she was great as were her astonishingly killer 3 sidemen…one of very the best shows I've mixed or heard or anything…brilliant. Also, I met Bill Low (Audioquest founder) the other day in my local "Audio Salon" and talked with him for about an hour…amazing dude who advised me on some biwire options, mentioned a German tube rig he uses that shuts just the tubes off when not in use, and the importance of phase vs. amplitude. Anybody know what those German amps might be? Forgot the name…I'm old…Bill puts some sort of resistor in line with amp fuses to make the fuse have less influence (!) on the sound, but still blow when needed. So there's that.
Charles indeed we have very similar tastes in music and audio as well I believe. So lined up next is Doug with his dad Jimmy on "Nardis".
Hi Jond, 
Our tastes are pretty similar so I thought you'd appreciate Doug Raney.  His dad Jimmy Raney was also a very fine jazz guitarist. I'll say it again,  there is so much beautiful music for us to enjoy,  what a gift. 
Charles I absolutely loved "You Go To My Head" its now in my favorites and I have "The Backbeat" queued up next! Great music for a dreary rainy day here!
You seem to enjoy jazz guitar as much as I do. Are you familiar with Doug Raney? Take a listen to "You Go To My Head " Raney can really play!
Hi Jond,
Thanks for the recommendation.  I've heard/read good comments regarding Anat Cohen's  playing,  time for me to become familiar with her. 
Wofie sez:

"Contact enhancer assumes that the contact needs enhancing, which is very likely not the case if the contacts are clean." 

Most of us know that metal connections oxidize over time. Most of us also have experienced the improvement in sound quality after using Caig "RED" contact cleaner, followed by a coating of Caig "GOLD."  We achieve better contact after these cleanings.

Any serious audiophile would attend to these cleanings every month or two. But it does nothing to very little to eliminate micro arcing. From my understanding, Graphene does eliminate micro arcing with the end result of less smear and other distortions in the system.

Even though I addressed this in a previous post, and encouraged him to do the research, even providing him with a website to start his research, Wolfie ignored the subject of micro arcing. Why? 

Wofie ... be prepared to don the hat of the court jester and play the fool. Graphene is going to break what is attainable in this hobby wide open. Its already started. 


Ok if Wolf won't give any more  music recs then I'll play, Anat Cohen a super talented clarinetist "Notes from the Village". Excellent playing and good sound. I love the sound of a clarinet and Anat's playing is bright and lively the album really swings! And I have to say I've got a few relationships that could probably use some contact enhancing! :P
Contact enhancer assumes that the contact needs enhancing, which is very likely not the case if the contacts are clean. If your rig works at all, it is partially due to the fuses having all the contact they need and has zero to do with the actual sound of anything…however, I do think it IS very likely that many will claim that the use of graphene contact enhancer has expanded their sound stages and enhanced their cello tone, and I will continue to think that's simply ridiculous because, hey, it just is. Although I've contributed a few musical suggestions, my ego doesn't require massaging to the degree that other's might and I'm content with this thread being about silly faith based tweaks because, hey, it just is (or isn't…not so sure anymore).
The best sounding Mapleshade CD is....drum roll...Sunnyland Slim Live at the DC Blues Society. I'm not hot dogging ya.
I don't listen to Bluegrass much at all  (although I do like the old school country and western music genre). 
^^^ Thanks Charles.

Pierre gets the recordings right. Do you like bluegrass? This one puts the musicians right there in the room with you:
Here’s one for you, jazz trombonist Avi Lebo "Shades Of Brass " Mapleshade recording. Very natural in the room/you are there sound. Very fine musicianship. Really captures the authentic sound of the trombone.
^^^ Okay wolfie ... if you keep knocking something you haven't heard, the Graphene fairy will come to your house and spew reality all over your sound system, in which case you will not be able to tear yourself loose from your listening chair. You will be doomed. No food. No beer ... just you sitting alone stuck to the chair in musical bliss forever saying: "I don't hear any difference!" :-)

Got any more good music references?? 


Frank and all readers:
I just received a bottle of Graphene contact enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio (New Zealand ). I am looking forward to giving it an audition.
Samsung is spending three Billion dollars on Graphene research this year!

One hopes the Samsung smartphones that exploded all over the place last year weren’t the first run of Samsung Graphene microchips and Graphene enhanced lithium batteries. After all, Samsung has been spending wads of dough on Graphene research for what, 4 years? Maybe the electron velocity exceeded the speed of light and blew up.



Finally some humor. The Pass amps, Manley Steelhesd w/ NOS Telefukens, LP12 and Kuzma are just fine. I am interested in hearing from Ralph who says he has successfully installed a 12" Triplanar arm onto a Technics 1200 GAE. Fuses / Graphene --- Must be heating loss. Maybe I will get to hear the improvements when the utility company starts using graphene in the Grid.
Nkonor…wait…you have to stick around to hear what the deal is about graphene! Your fuses can become FUSIER…what?'re happy with the sound of your system? HERESY I SAY…if your current (pun…now that's funny!) fuses are doing their job, just imagine the level of wonderfulness they will provide with graphene juice! The fuses will melt quicker in an electrical emergency, your soundstage and overall system tone will be TONIER...Come on man…you need this stuff...
Unfollow this discussion a few times and I have selected that option but I cannot seem to get rid of this thread. Any suggestions from anyone?
My Pass XA 160.8 monoblocks have thermal magnetic breakers.
Years ago I tried HiFi tuning fuses in my Spectral monoblocks; 1 blew that day, the other is still in the amp. So 1 amp has a HiFi tuning fuse , the other a fuse from Ace Hardware. Can't hear any difference. End of fuse tweaks for me. The humor of this thread has worn off. How do I end it?
^^^ As I understand it, in addition to eliminating micro arcing, Graphene lowers resistance to the point of almost nothing. 
I read a year or so that lithium ion batteries charging time could be reduced by at least 25% with the addition of graphene to their charging posts. Another benefit was that this added material allowed for the battery to approach a near 100% full charge capability when compared to the standard terminal post which never seemed to reach full capacity. Tom
Frank and all readers:
I just received a bottle of Graphene contact enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio (New Zealand ). I am looking forward to giving it an audition.
Samsung is spending three Billion dollars on Graphene research this year!

David Pritchard
Wolf-Garcia ...

Thanks for the Lenny Breau recommendation. I checked him out on Spotify and put him on the "to do" list. Definitely my kind of music. The sellers sure are proud of the guy based upon the prices they want for his CD's.  Here' the one I listened to. Its a two CD set:

Lots of nice ballads. Just right for the morning coffee sessions. 

On the SR Black fuses ...

Look into the cause and effects of micro-arcing whenever two separate  metal contacts are set into place. Check out how Graphene eliminates the micro-arcing and reduces smear.  This seems like a good place to start:


Hi Jond, 
Thanks,  I appreciate your feedback.  I'll check him out. 
Charles his playing is excellent and style of music is solid. Definitely different not as classically jazz guitar but well worth seeking out!
Readers of this thread who are going to the LA Audio show and use 300B tubes please let me know. I am planning on bringing a pair of specially treated 300B tubes to the show to compare with what is being demonstrated. That is if I can find a list of amps that are to be used !

David Pritchard
Hi Jond, 
 Let me know what you think of Breau's playing style and music.
Thanks for the rec wolf Lenny Breau is queued up next "The Hallmark Sessions".
I will look into the music of Lenny Breau. He sadly had a short and tragic life, found dead in à Los Angeles apartment roof swimming pool at age 43. To this day rumors persist,  suicide or homicide? Some similarities to Chet Baker's demise. 