Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I have used both Brands: Isoclean and Synergistic Red. I will be interested to hear your comments after 25 hours on the RED. For me they both improved the sound initally but with further break in- the RED continued to improve to a greater degree. Also after some break in time it is worth the effort to reverse the fuse direction to see if there is further improvement.

David Pritchard
Since SR RED doesn't offer exact size for my REF250, I've been using Isoclean.  It well exceeded my expectations but the audiophile in me had to order RED to compare.   

Well after 6 hours, they sound very similar.   Probably RED is a bit more open and airy.
I have about four or five hours on a Synergistic Research "RED" fuse in my amp. Very worthwhile improvement a great value.
Don't judge it right away the break-in is kinda odd in my case after about twenty minutes things improved dramatically. In a couple of weeks I may swap it end to end see if that changes for the better. I'm inclined to just leave it alone it sounds so good as it it.
Thank you for suggesting this and all the comments too. Who would have thought a silly little fuse could affect things like that.
Will soon order another for the CDP.
A friend of mine just returned from CES  and says during a discussion with the Founder of  Absolare Audio (Amps,preamps etc.) he's very aware of  and impressed with the SR Reds. A number of  manufacturers acknowledge the improvement   derived from premium  fuses. Pretty  obvious to me if you take the time to  listen to them. No different than  rolling various types of tubes in my experience. The impact is similar  and sometimes even greater. 
Got this from another site:

Interesting observation relayed from Warren Gehl about fuses in ARC gear in this month's letter section of
Audio Beat
Post removed 
The Hagerman Frycorder arrived in about 7 days. The unit is small, well built, and not heavy. The price included shipping.

Thank you for the kind words. 85 top high school students really put out a wonderful big sound. Very adult moment. Then immediate post concert trip to Game Stop to pick up a new video game. Certainly this 21 century is interesting with it's ironies.

On fuse direction:
When putting in a new fuse do a quick comparison and pick a direction. Then wait a week before doing a final fuse direction test. Longer if the system is not played a lot that week- 10 to100 hrs.
This is interesting. I've been using different fuses, since (and I had to come on here to see when I first started posting about fuses: senior moment…) 2012.
Just 4-6 days ago, I noticed that my system sounded really, REALLY bright, especially on Mercury Living Presence CDs. Stravinsky's 'The Firebird' was pretty screechy on cut 23. I had gotten speaker cables weeks ago, and were breaking them in (same company, updated cables), and until this week, never thought the sound 'bright' or 'screechy.' So, tonight, I was talking to a friend and suddenly exclaimed that, if I'd changed the fuses in my other equipment, I must have changed it in the CD player as well. At the time, I could not discern correct orientation, but that was hardly surprising: terminal illness in my family had just begun, and I was not in the state of mind to be as observant.
Anyway, opened the CD player, and sure enough, there was a Synergistic SR-20 fuse in there. I changed the orientation, and SOME of the brightness was ameliorated. I wanted to simply post now, while I was thinking about it.
Fuse application is clearly not Universal. What works in one application does not necessarily translate to others. I found a thread from 4 years ago, when I first started experimenting with fuses,  where I had complained that the Hurricanes sounded not so good with the Hi Fi fuses in them (I first posted that in 2012).  4 years later, and post some losses in my family, I looked in the Hurricanes fuse box. Something just told me to look in there: Hi Fi tuning fuses in them. I had WONDERED what was wrong with the system over the past few months, although the use of the Hurricanes was to bypass the amp stage of an integrated amp. Don't recall WHY I put the Hi Fi tuning fuses back in the amps, but it must've simple been that I forgot they didn't work as well. So , I'll be putting Synergistics back in - as soon as I can locate them. (Don't ask. It's been 4 years, and I have fuses upstairs, in the basement, in boxes in the shed, the garage, and, I'm sure, stored in trees outside [ hope the squirrels haven't found them]). I had stopped using the Hurricanes in the system because of the lack of dynamics and low-level detail. Now I know why - but don't know WHEN I put them back in the amps. (Must've been during that bad period, when my memory was ONLY a memory - to me) But the CD player is clearly better with the orientation change. Just a warning to those who don't see the improvement that maybe it's not the fuse: maybe it's the orientation or the component into which the fuse has been placed. 
The PFO reviewer used SS (Vitus electronics) and experienced the same level of  improvement as reported by users on this  thread. I use a DHT Line Stage and a SET 300b amp. So very different systems yet near identical  results. I believe that the Red fuse has universal application given its high quality. 
Hi Oregonpapa, 
I will listen to the Afterburner 8 receptacle  with and without the  Oyaide WPC-Z cover and report what I hear. This receptacle is 79 dollars,  if its  effect even   approaches the excellent SR Red fuse I'll be thoroughly thrilled. 
It seems to me that the SR reds are more in tune of being used in tube kit while maybe the AH fuse  beeswax/platinum would be better suited in SS. Any definitive answer or opinion would be much appreciated,I am very much intrigued by this particular tweak. Thanks.
wolf ...

I enjoy your posts immensely.  Your humor is such that it clearly reveals your intelligence. 

Last night one of the listeners during the listening session was so overwhelmed by fright due to the 3-D realism afforded by the two RED fuses in the CD player that he ripped off his clothes and ran down the street naked. He said that he hasn't been so inclined since the late 1960's. When the Sheriff's Deputy returned him intact he was fine, although he was blabbering something about Dr. Timothy Leary. Does this disprove your theory that the "black hole" isn't irreversible? After all, my friend came back.  Even Alice came back ... 

Don’t do it…reversing a fuse can cause a warp in the time continuum that can plunge you and the rest us of into an irreversible black hole.

Also, am I the only one to doubt the claimed astonishing sonic effects of a half inch of potentially self destructing metal on everything electronic that comes after it? Is to do so simply a retreat into my self absorbed Luddite-like rebellious albeit tenuous world of logic based doubt? I refuse to re-fuse…unless somebody sends me a pile of "premium fuses" to test without the influence of having spent my money on the damn things…somehow that seems just as unlikely as the appearance of a "3D Holographic Soundstage" that could most likely just frighten me.
The SR Red Fuses are the single most best upgrade I have witnessed in my system, it makes the speakers disappear with a soundstage that is 3D holographic.  Best $100.00 spent ever!
While the fuses were most impressive in the line stage and amp, they were less impressive in the phono stage. The phono was a marked improvement mind you, but he amp & preamp was more significant. The best improvement was at the CD player. It may have been because the CD player required two fuses. 

Now I'm thinking about what geoffkait said and will try reversing the position of the fuse in the phono amp tonight.  Stay tuned ...

Charles ...

When you get your outlet and cover, would you please do an A/B comparison with the cover plate off ... and then on?  Reason I ask is because I never replaced the cover plate after installing the Oyaide outlet. Thanks ...
Oregonpapa,  I enjoyed reading your feedback on the sr-red's,  very well said, I enjoy excitement in audio, these days is difficult to come by at this cost point. 
Ooops, I meant to write, "...why all wire and cables are not installed with correct direction in mind."
Before I forget, be sure and try reversing the direction of interconnects to see if the sound improves.  Better safe than sorry. I won't even get into why all wire and cables are installed with correct direction in mind. Transformers, the whole nine yards!

I have to say I'm not completely surprised that your CD player responded the way  it did with the SR Red fuses. It would  make sense that the effects of a source component (upstream as it is would be ) has potential  for much positive impact.  I eagerly look forward to putting the Red fuse into my DAC  given the very positive results with my amplifier and Line Stage. As you clearly note,the performance to cost ratio of these fuses is quite impressive  As I've said before, these fuses provide  more  actual sonic improvement than a number of interconnect and power cables I've heard  in my system. To be clear,  the cables  made a difference but to a lesser extent relative to the Red fuse. I'm very curious to hear the resulting impact of the Afterburner  8 wall AC  outlet with the Oyaide WPC-Zealand cover.
The final two RED fuses went into the CD player today in anticipation of two fellow audiophile friends coming over for a listening session tonight (Friday). 

After warming up the system for an hour or two, the session began. Holy ear openings Batman! This was no minor improvement. The entire back wall came down.

 I couldn't have put it any better than my friend Mr. Golden Ears (Robert) put it ... "These fuses in the CD player didn't just lift a veil ... they lifted the entire roof off of the house!" 

Other comments were: "It sounds like you have installed far better speakers or preamp!"

Quite honestly guys, this is the most exciting improvement, at a  most reasonable price, in my audio system since I entered the hobby in the early 70's. Digital playback has acquired an analog presence and is completely enjoyable to listen to. Usually when beginning with CD's, it's not long before someone wants to switch to LP's. Well, not tonight. It was one CD after another in complete astonishment. 

In the event you may be thinking that this is the irrational blatherings of someone who is just overly enthusiastic ... it's not. These damned fuses have taken my audio system to a completely different level ... a level I thought unattainable. I can almost reach out and touch the reality.   I had no idea that the ARC CD-7SE was capable of attaining this type of three dimensionality and realism. I've heard good digital at the various shows like the Newport show ... but I'm hard pressed to recall better sound than what came out of my speakers tonight.

I'm stoked!   
electroslacker: the 5A 250V will work both in Europe (220/240V) and the US. Fuses are supposed to blow when the specified current is exceeded (give or take a couple percent).

Tom: you piqued my interest as I never tried DIYing magnets before. I do believe in the enhancement that magnetic cables a la HFC bring a lot to the table. Care to share more? "Don’t do this at home" sounds like you are inserting a series of conductive N25 chips where the fuse is...cost is indeed a couple of bucks and a high(er) adrenaline every time you turn that thing on and hope your house circuit breaker still works. Am I close?

>>... no bang ...
well maybe a big one someday?

Replacing ferrous with non-ferrous material is known on/around sockets, I have replaced the standard covers with carbon fiber versions for selected sockets. I guess one of the reasons the PI Uberbuss works so well is that it comes in a wooden box that is on top treated with AVM paint. Basically, quality (some croy’ed) sockets, LC circuits, non-vibrating box and a steel AC sockets cover. I prefer Audience’s concept that truly isolates each socket, high quality caps and the use of a ground bar. As you know, they use their own dampening coating on their D models. It took a while before John McD decided to offer the superior GTX-D sockets as option. Their Cardas plugs are not in the top of the range.

As for fuses, I will order a Bee wax Super Fuse so I comp it between the SR Red and AH Platinum in my DAC
Is the amp rating and size all you have to worry about in choosing a fuse? I was going to try the Reds in a VAC Avatar but the chassis says 5A 125V, and the VHAUDIO site shows the Red as 5A 250V.  Thanks.
Don't try this at home. No fuse rolling for me as I have been using cryo treated N52 magnets for years. Direction is obvious as you follow the ac voltage in and follow the dc voltage rails. Couple bucks apiece before doing the cryo and treating the center circumference with AVM. Component upgrade level of quality. More slam, more stage, more focus, no noise, no bang. Don't try this at home.  I use these in conjunction with 6 dedicated Hubbell 5361's cryo'd multiple times. Single plugs have less mechanical resonance than their noisey twin.  Remove the 2 ferrous fasteners and replace with brass. The 5361's can be had for about 8 bucks and use with non ferrous stainless steel plates. Paint the inside of the plates with AVM. Tom
Hi David,
Congratulations on your son's significant achievement and honor. 
I know that you will enjoy every moment of  this  musical event. 
Looks like Hagerman Audio Labs is located in Honolulu HI. How long did it take to receive your order and do you recall the cost of shipping?
The Frycorder ia available from Jim Hagerman at Hagerman Audio Labs.

After ordering on line he shipped it quickly. Simple to use. Plug it in via any power cord for three days and that circuit is conditioned. Then remove from circuit. Ater treating, the music has a better flow, less grain, more emotion.

The Frycorder was developed in 2012. the simple manuel even comes with a schematic. Now that is rare in today's world.

Anouncement with a father's pride- I get to hear my son play in the New Mexico All State Orchestra tomorrow morning. No fuse rolling for me this weekend!

David Pritchard
Mmmm, that is some interesting information Davidpritchard, where can I get the Frycorder?, thankyou for sharing such a good post. 
Thanks Charles :-)

And thank you David for that information. I learn something new every day!

Great news on getting the Afterburner receptacle burned in. For those who have an AudioDharma Cable Cooker, their new adapter allows the ground wire of power cables to be conditioned. The sonic improvement is well worth the cost. It is called theGroundBreaker.

The other device that to me is an extension of the Cable Cooker is Jim Haggerman's Frycorder. This device conditions the house wiring all the way back to the utility transformer. Another sonic improvement.

The Cable Cooker, Frycorder, audiograde A/C receptacles, and audio grade fuses go a long way in removing bottlenecks in the audio chain.
Hi Lak,
You have a  wonderful  system. You will  benefit  significantly by upgrading to  the premium  tier  of fuses. I've come to the conclusion that the  better the system,  the greater the  impact of the fuses. High resolution  systems reveal  what  these fuses are capable of providing. I'd be surprised if you weren't happy with them in your system. Lak, thanks again for  burning in my Afterburner 8 AC receptacle with your Audio Harma cooker. I'll let you know  how it sounds in my system.
I'm going to have to figure out which red fuses I need for my system and order some $$$!
The sound of  my system  still  seems  to be improving  with the  SR Red fuses. 
Listening to  familiar recordings  tonight and they  sound  gorgeous. 
It really  feels like  I'm in the actual  presence  of Sarah Vaughan "Sarah + 2",  "Afters Hours" and "Lester Young With The Oscar Peterson Trio". 
 Their enormous  talent  is conveyed so emotionally engaging.These fuses are  musically  wonderful,  so natural,  Next up, Sonny Stitt😁😁
Try the AH in stead of the Isoclean, you will thank me for that.

A friend did and prefer HiFi-Tuning Supreme.
jazzon the hudson:
Congratulations on your son making all state! My son plays with the  New Mexico All State Symphony Orchestra this Saturday. Does your son have the WA Acoustic Chip on his violin? It certainly changes the sound of acoustic instruments- violin, viola, and acoustic guitar have all been tried at my house. All had a change in sound- facinating to me.
I agree with the Isoclean fuse. There are other fuses that have made a bigger improvement in my systems.

Try the AH in stead of the Isoclean, you will thank me for that.

my son plays the violin, also all-state and the WA Quantum chip is still sitting there.

Generally, I have max. ONE fuse with the WA chip per device and have noticed no noticeable downside. As with a lot of tweaks, you can have too much of the same.

SR has a winner now with the SR Red fuse but many of us remember when their wizard of Oz each time promises a quantum leap (pun intended) and two months later you have the 2nd version, or a newer bullet. I am bit wary of their other tweaking gear because of their history and my experience and, for now, wait patiently to see if their three letter magic devices are here to stay.

Mind you that the deployment of a good bypass cap mostly improves the sound but that requires some soldering. 

That was a nice description of the way a new RED fuse breaks in.
I also started at the amplifier when I started replacing fuses, but I have yet to not hear an improvement in a piece of equipment with a RED fuse.

And yes that includes Blue Ray players with replaceable fuses. Dialog becomes more articulate. I wish my Honda radio-CD player had standard fuses so I could replace them!
David Pritchard

That's a good observation and I agree  regarding the SR Red fuse effect based on my results. The sonic character wasn't altered in my system. It just seems the present good attributes  were simply improved. Clarity,  openess, dynamic ebb and flow, transparency and nuances further improved. I know that  this is a cliche but it is as though a veil is removed. That's the overall effect I perceive.
I found fuse direction was very noticeable in my VAC SigmMKIIa pre.  In wrong direction, sounds out of phase with no weight, bass, rounded ...  Compared notes with several VAC owners, same results and ultimately we confirmed with Kevin Hayes.    Now I ask manufacturer for correct direction so no need to experiment.

I don't find replacing stock with any after market fuse is an improvement to be true.   I don't want a fuse to change the character of my component but enhance it.  Once I had a fuse that elevated the mid so much prefer stock.

I prefer a neutral and linear sound so SR RED is 1st choice and then HiFi Tuning Supreme.     Since RED doesn't offer a 7A slo-blo for my ARC REF250, I'm SHOCKED how well Isoclean is working out for only $49.    It's very neutral and linear.

Davidpritchard and others

I asked synergestic research where they would recommend I first start putting fuses in my equipment. The man replied in the amp and then the cd transport, at audio horizons he said the dac. I didn't ask them why. So I thought I could follow both of their advice without problem. And maybe in those spots they recommend their fuse it would be better there. Who knows?  That really didn't matter since I would probably change all for a small improvement.  

I have had the amp fuse in for 12 days. The sound was slightly coarse sounding in the first 20 hours. After that the system started to sound noticeably more open, natural, lively. Things I am really liking. I don't know if they will continue to effect a change in sound, but if the system stays like it is, I am giddy about that. That's 'giddy', not 'giddy up'. Now for the cd transport fuse to go in. If it goes as well I will get another for my dac. I would like to try a audio horizons or audio magic. I will see how the next 50 hours go.
I find the change in fuse direction subtle, too. However, if you have say four or five fuses in your system including fuses in speakers and you change the direction of each fuse one at a time, listening to the sound after each change, deciding whether the new direction is better or worse, then repeat the entire process to be sure you guessed right, at the end of the day, with all of the fuses in the right direction, the difference in sound will NOT be subtle. Or if you like, it will be subtle but powerful.

 I find that the change of fuse direction is "noticeable" but subtle in effect.

Yes, the fuse seems to have a bit more of an impact. The capacitor change improved along the lines of refinement and tonality(which were already exceptionally good). Again just my observation.Your outcome/impression could be different for sure.
I have the resistors but haven't installed them yet(still waiting on the Elrog replacement). I'll definitely post my findings on the Elrog thread.
Wow, makes a bigger difference then the caps!
I'll have to order some, thanks.

Sorry for going off topic but, did you change the resistors in your amps to run less voltage and if so did it change the sound?

I am not sure where the most efficatious location is for fuse upgrades except to first replace the main fuse of each piece of equipment in the audio chain. I first started with the amp fuse and worked my way "upstream". Even a subwoofer benefits.

Charles1- I did the same thing with my DAC. I ordered the wrong fuses. The great thing with the Synergistic Research dealer organization was the fuse was exchanged for the correct value with no hassle.

Interestingly  to me is the Antelope DAC uses a fuse on both the hot and neutral circuits. It also has its own separate power supply. The "RED" fuses still made a big sonic difference. So despite a very expensive DAC manufacturer ( Antelope) going to the Nth degree for sonic clarity, changing the fuses to  Synergistic Research "RED" made a big improvement.

After putting in a fuse, I normally wait a week of use before changing the fuse direction. I have not heard as big a difference in fuse direction as TGB forum member has. Meaning the new "RED" fuse sounds better in either direction as compared to the stock fuse.
Hi Joe,
My older Frankenstein MK II ( bought new in 2009) uses one 3 amp slo blo(that plugs into the rear of the amplifier). The SR Red is 3.15 amp(closest match). Your Franks are a newer version so you may or may not have the same size fuse. Joe; the SR Red fuse actually made more of an impact than changing the stock input coupling capacitor(Solens) to the Jupiter copper foil (which was itself a worthwhile change). Just to give you an idea of the sonic effect in my system. Once the fuse burns in for a few days reverse the direction and see which placement sounds better to you.
Hi David,
I bet your system  with those pieces sounds marvelous. I wouldn't be surprised if  the upgraded  fuses have more impact on the source  (DAC,Phono stage) and preamp than the power amplifier. I ordered  the wrong  size fuses for my DAC (my error ). So I'm  looking forward to the fuse effect on the  DAC once they arrive. .

I very much look forward to your listening experiences with using the RED fuses in your CD player. I found this to be a very pivotal position. My SACD player has one main power fuse and then 5 fuses for the various circuits. I found the main fuse location to be a major change. The 5 rail fuse locations had a much smaller sonic change. One approach would be RED fuse at main fuse and then the WA Quantum chips on the stock rail fuse locations.

Charles1-  I absolutely agree that the SET amplifier magic is only enhanced by the Synergistic Research "RED" fuses. The Emotion type 45 SET amplifier putting out maybe one watt to the Teresonic speakers has an elegance to the sound that was not there with an ordinary fuse. So much more emotionally engaging.
Like many who posted earlier, I have the original Synergistic Research fuses in most of my equipment, including some that I've sold. This was the results of comparisons some time ago with every fuse that I could lay my hands on as well as experimenting with the direction of every fuse I used. I remain very happy with what I hear with my old SR fuses.

Many manufactures claim that their fuses don't have a direction, but I have failed to find any such fuse. I think this was true of the SR fuses also. I hope to soon try the SR  Red fuses but that entails once again checking what values I need,

One thing is certain fuses and their direction are important.