System Pictures & a kind of "dating service"

I must say I really like the new look and the thread previews and lists much better than the old one. I especially like the system preview pictures. It really gets me drooling in some cases. There are so many systems I would love to be able to hear after seeing the pictures.

If only there were some way to start a "dating service" of sorts here at the site, where someone could post a listening event and invite others in their area to come and give a listen to their systems. I know there are clubs in many areas where people circulate to different houses, but not everyone belongs to a club or has one in their area.

Just a thought, what do you think?

"If only there were some way to start a "dating service" of sorts here at the site, where someone could post a listening event and invite others in their area to come and give a listen to their systems. I know there are clubs in many areas where people circulate to different houses, but not everyone belongs to a club or has one in their area."

Dont you think the "Audio Clubs" near bottom of forums page do just that? Our club has 2 new members because of a Cleveland Ohio thread.
No, they don't. There are tons of people on this site in the NY metropolitan area that do not belong or attend any of the many club meetings that I attend.

Perhaps they don't like the club thing. Perhaps they are turned off by the other members. Perhaps they are shy. Perhaps they don't know about them or never inquired how to join. Perhaps they are unavailable for club meeting times.

Who knows why, but I'm sure there are people who could benefit from this service, should it become available.

It must be just like the scene from "Ghost World". I would rather have minks mating in my house than audiophiles talking about caramel colorations in the midrange. But then again, my system sucks, so only the minks would show up anyway.
All the same there is a forum to post meetings and area events, if people dont post thats a whole other issue but it does work, in fact our "Ears and Beers" get together is this weekend at my house and a new guy is heading over and its all from that forum.