Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi redhouse, I know Steve personally by phone and emails only,  never listed to his system,  however,  I'm saying,  with each addition of taralabs in my system towards a full loom the system was hugely better,  especially with the matching speaker cable's and power cord's, I know many that said a full loom of what I have,  if anything,  is to much big deep bass on their specific system,  btw, I've done business with Steven, and highly recommend him to everyone,  he sales good equipment like furutech and other's, btw,  Steven,  can you get synergistic black fuses? , email me about them if you can get them like you did my furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's.
Keith I've been using the Hi-Fi Supreme fuses for awhile now and really like them. I do have a few left some 3amp and 5amp slow blow if interested.

Audiolabyrinth - I'm not familiar with the Tara Labs products, so can't comment on benefits of full loom vs. mix and match. I do believe in system synergy. If you have found a combination of cables that optimize your system components, room acoustics, AC power quality and listening preferences, then you've found synergy. That's a wonderful thing!

yes I have heard SK's system and the use of a variety of cables is truly amazing!  He uses Tara Labs, Audiomica Labs, S.I.N. Audio and Pranawire.