Technics SL1200/1210 owners - which mat?

I've upgraded to the Boston Audio mat, it's quite a big improvement over the stock rubber mat. I thought the stock rubber mat sounded very loose and ripe in the bass. The mids and highs were drowned out by the loose bass. Maybe this is the 'dark' sound people are referring to when listening to the Technics?

The Boston Audio Design Mat1 brings the sound together, firming up the bass, and bringing it in line with the mids and highs. Far more cohesive presentation.

What other mats have you tried and are using?
Any place you can buy the SDS isoplatmat in the USA? Only place I have seen it is Origin Live in the UK.
Recently switched to the 1/4" super mat from KAB and could hear an immediate improvement.
I also highly recommend the KAB TD-1200 Tonearm Fluid damper. Its a serous upgrade
I got back into vinyl about 2-1/2 years ago, taking a Technics SL-1200/II turntable. I tweaked it endlessly going through several cartridges, removing the vibrating transformer, changing out the springy feet, replacing the tubes and making numerous parts replacements to my phono preamp. For instance, for the preamp I built an outboard power supply using only film capacitors, adding a choke, and adding several more -R-C stages. I even upgraded the stock tonearm to an Origin Live silver Mk II (wonderful product!). All this improved the sound of vinyl playback tremendously. But I could never correct a perplexing problem: the ever-present midrange suckout. Then a got a Funk Firm achromat platter mat - the Technics version compatible with the lip on the periphery of the platter. Problem solved. With the FF mat the mids are fleshed out nicely - even voluptuously, the image specificty improves, the bass tightens. My experience confirms that the stock thick rubber mat is the cause of the "dark sounding" Technics turntable and ought to be tossed.