Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion


I'd like to have a thread on cartridges that work with the Technics SL1200MK series tables.

I want to buy a Technics SL1210MK2 (the new black version from Musicians Friend) and need a cartridge recommendation. I am using a Musical Fidelity A308CR preamp that has MM/MC capability. My amps are Bryston 7B ST's and I have a pair of B&W Signature 800's on the way to replace my N801's. The MF Preamp is rolled off on top and the system is very listenable for long lengths of time. I'd describe it as detailed, but not too bright.

I really want to try the Technics table as it is relaible and inexpensive ($400 shipped or less for a used table if I go the ebay route). Please do not try to talk me into a different table. I had a VPI Scout and Dynavector 20x (High output) that I sold because I just wasn't using it. I'd like to keep this cheap so that I have decent TT available when and if I want to use it.

What can you recommed for a cart? I'd like to keep $160 to $200 as a max and stay lower if possible. Here is what I am considering:

Denon 103 (not the R)
Denon 110
Denon 160

Audio Technica 440 MLa

Shure M97xe

I do not know what carts work well with the Technics tonearm. I know that it is light and some threads recommend a Sumiko headshell for the Denons. What do I need to know here before buying a table and cart.

The Denon DL-160 mounted on a Sumiko or LpGear Zupreme headshell is very musical, fast, linear, and balanced.

What Tvad said is true, though. Mounting most any cartridge on a removeable headshell is pretty equal from cartridge to cartridge, but if you get a KAB all-in-one solution such as the KAB-Ortofon Pro-S 30 for $239, all you do is plug the entire unit into the tonearm. Overhang and alignment are automatically already in adjustment. This method also eliminates an additional set of wire leads and clips and another detachable joint between the stylus and the tonearm.
thanks for the advice.....has anyone heard the kab ortofon 30 and compared it sound quality wise on the tt to the well-liked audio technica 440mla or others?
If you do a Google search for "KAB Ortofon" you will find links to several reviews.
If you go to the LPgear listing for the AT150MLX here, there is a link to a pdf excerpt of a Sensible Sound review, I have the complete issue of that magazine, where the reviewer compares the AT440MLa, AT150MLX, KAB-Concorde ProS 40, and another hybrid or two from KAB and Stanton on a KAB-modified SL1200 with fluid damper and other mods. This excerpt only has what he said about the AT150MLX, but it was clearly his favorite, and he particularly mentioned that it was more linear than the AT440MLa. He felt that the 440's plastic body may insert a bit of upper midrange glare vs. the 150.

I must mention that he was reviewing this rig for the purpose of archiving LPs to CD, so overall he might have liked the KAB-Concorde ProS-40 or 30 equally well overall, but gave the nod to the AT150MLX because its MicroLine stylus does a better job of sounding fresher when playing used and worn vinyl.