Just received my Lore Reference speakers, less than a dozen hours on them but already they sound fantastic.  I've only been able to listen at very low to moderate levels so far but they are providing me with the type of sound i was looking for.  There's definitely a clear, lively sound that seems effortless.  I'm hoping that after a proper break in that the bass will fill in a little more, i'm sure it will as it's still very early.  I'm powering the Lores with an older Peachtree Audio Nova integrated and using mostly TIDAL streaming or my own ALAC files through either Chromecast Audio, Sonos, or my new Sonore MicroRendu.  I'm also waiting for the matching center channel to arrive to use for 5.1 movie/tv viewing.
Any Tekton owners want to chime in with their opinions, setups etc?  Any other Lore Reference owners here?
Bringing this thread back up, as I'm interested in the Lore References as well.  I currently have a pair of KEF LS50s and am running dual subs.  However, I think my room is just too big for the LS50s.  I do like how clear the LS50s are even at low volume, so the above comment about not being low-volume speakers concerns me (these are also used for TV/Movies in my living room - no center, as it's really not needed with the LS50s.)  Would I see a decrease in performance going to the Lore Reference?
I have auditioned the Double Impact speakers, not my cup of tea.

But my son in law recently purchased a pair of Mini Lore's and I really like the way those sound.
@01svtl I encourage you to ask your question(s) directly over at Tekton Design. Eric will give you guidance about which models fit best within your budget and needs.

Since you already have dual subs and a ’larger’ room, I’d look into scoring a pair of Impact Monitors (B stock, if new is over your budget). Herb Reichert recently reviewed the Impact Monitors (current Stereophile issue) and he has the Kef LS50s as a loudspeaker in his ’associated equipment’ listing. I believe you will find his review will address the needs you bring up in your post.

Also take a look here: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/tekton-impact-monitors

All the best in your quest.