Teres Turntable Support - concrete, wood, rack...?

Hi Folks:
I have a Teres 245 that I've been enjoying for the last year or so. I currently have it supported on two layers of concrete blocks, on top of a brick floor. With other component purchases/changes, my audio area is getting quite crowded. Hence, I'm evaluating options for more space-saving physical support for the Teres. I am seeking opinions on support solutions which would yield better or at least similar results from what I have currently, yet offer me space under the table support to store other components. Two ideas I have would be to buy one of these Adona racks:

Alternatively, I would be interested in pursuing some variation on the following rack that I noticed in one of the virtual systems, owned by the user Vetterone:


Anyway, I'd welcome input and advice on what you would recommend. My budget sensitivity is about medium - I don't want to spend a lot but am open to spending more to get something that looks good and works well. Thanks!
I'm the builder of Vetterone's rack. He and I worked closely on the design features. It does exactly what it should do. I photographed the construction of it and would be happy to forward those to you. Email me through Audiogon if you want these photos.

A similar design could be made from materials other than steel but I don't believe the results would be as good. Also, I would be happy to talk to you on the phone if you need design help. This project was a ton of work but worth every bit of the effort put into it.

Concrete blocks are the worst support for any stereo component. I know-I had all of my stuff (including turntable) on cinder blocks. I currently use the mapleshade set-up of butcher blocks and brass cones. Works very well for turntables.
The concensus on the Teres discussion forum has been that a solid, high mass stand works best. This is especially true if you're lucky enough to have a solid floor, as you apparently do. Stability and mass loading are at the core of the Teres design. The stand should work with that design.

I haven't heard it, but I think a stand like the one Lugnut made for Steve would suit a Teres quite well.