The audio research arc line- from top to bottom.

I have been searching for a balanced tube preamp for some time, recently started to look at the arc line.
I understand that the ref-5 is the best at the moment. I am curious what is second best? Is it the ls-26? Or the ref2 mkII?
Where do the others fall.
I had for a short time, an Audio Research Sp-10 (a"classic"??) and sold it as soon as I heard an Audio Research SP-15 in my system. ( I now use the SP-15)
If I was gonna buy a new used preamp... I would be looking at only the Audio Research Ref-3, or the ls26. The prior Ref2 mk2, and the LS25mk2 are not in the running.
Many other manufaturers have pres that are good or great, but the AR stuff floats my boat.

I don't understand why Audiofeil have to disclose he's a dealer when he's expressing his opinion in an audio forum? He's one voice so you can take or leave his opinion. You should trust your own ears in your purchase decisions.
Knghifi, you are right but Feil is sanctimonious and never has anything negative to say about his products or anything good to say about products he doesn't or can't sell.

He loves to "reveal" people who have affiliations with manufacturers, even when they are providing information to consumers.
Unless you are set on a REF 5, I would investigate the REF 3. It is very good. Also, an SP15 or SP11 with new tubes would make you smile.

Another long time Audio Research user and fan here. I always lusted for an SP15 in black but settled on the SP14! Wanted to buy a Ref 2 but settled for a LS25 MKII which was a great unit. If I were buying right now and in your position the Ref 3 is the way to go. The LS26 is still more of a sideways jump rather than forward.It's always made a difference sonically when discussing Audio Research preamps and their power supplies. That's what made the SP15 so sought after. Just my 2 cents!