The Audiophile's Wife

My wife has put up with my a-phile ways for years and has decided to write a blog about it. Thought you (or more likely your spouse) might get a kick out of it.

Even though she writes with a bit of an edge, she's really a good sport and very supportive of my "hobby".
Very nice.

My own wife is not the least audiophile.

The bummer being that I can spend all day rolling tubes and perhaps barely noticing any difference whatsoever... and then my wife comes home...after I put all of the boxes (evidence) away, and she notices immediately that the system sounds "more woody' tonight.

I buy it. She hears it, but couldn't really care less.
Great blog- showed it to my better1/2. BTW what is your granny gear- say it's not 39/25
Your wife is an extremely good writer, very impressed. "audio winning," I'll be using that for now on!
Very enjoyable reading. Your wife articulates what many wives must be experiencing. I had a pair of speakers in the late 80s and 90s that my wife loved. Couldn't care how they sounded, she loved how they looked. It has been 10 years now since I sold them but she still mentions now and then her disappointment at their replacements.