The best amp for $2k tube, solid state or hybrid

I want to purchase another amp. I've had GAS Ampzilla's, Melos MAT-180, Karan Acoustic KA-i180, a kit tube amp using dynaco st-70 transformers and UCD class D monos.

I am thinking Butler TBD 2250, Mark Levinson 27.5, Quicksilver V4, Rouge Audio M150, Llano Designs Trinity, Pass Labs X250.

I listen to 70's head/rock (ELP, Genesis, Pink Floyd) and some Jazz. I have a Audio Mirror tubed preamp (model PP1) an NAD T-585 cd/sacd player, Maplenoll Cleo II turntable, ProAc One SC clones and Gemme Audio Tantos.

I want used and to stay under $2500.00 total. I want more of the HIFI sound then the audiophile sound. Sterile is not good for me. Bass must be excellant (Pass X250) and mids should be smooth, but maybe a bit forward. Detail is preferred too, but sound stage and instrument placement is a must. I want to feel the snare drum and hear the fade of the cymbal as well as make out the lowest notes of a pipe organ.

Maybe I am asking too much for my price? Please help with any amp recommendation you've experienced. I am leaning toward the Butler and Pass amps.
You have all given me allot of great advise. Tvad, I think your advise to "Wait patiently. Search the listings. Buy an interesting item when it appears at a price that will allow re-sale if it doesn't meet expectations." is what I will do. There was a used BAT VK500 I inquired about, but it was too late.

I am also tossing around building an amp.