The best Carl Orff Carmina Burana?

I have recently begun listening to this and really enjoy it. What is the best recording of this that you have heard? Thanks, I appreciate your help.
Twl, I'd usually say "forget it" to Orff on vinyl (just because I like to lay and listen to it completely) but your description has made me a believer. And I work in Kearny! And in direct response to Nrchy, I'm trying to find a cd copy on Quintessential that I love (and have probably renewed a hundred times) from my library.
Yes, the Smetacek/Czech has a big sound, (nice soundstage/miking). The sound quality is not as good as others though. The chorus is outstanding (maybe tops), especially the male chorus!! The conducting is good/ok. Keep in mind, one very beautiful tracks is #20 (or 21) for soprano. V. Babikian/Stokowski is without doubt tops. As well G. Gardner on the baritone parts is tonally perfect (Stokowski). So this Czech recording may be a must just for the fantastic chorus if you really love this compostion. Though the Jochum with the Berlin Chorus is as well very good.
I was the only one to choose the Previn on EMI in the last thread. Some things don't change. Happy New Year;ya all.
Some smart person here mentioned this a while ago and I purchased Stokowski/EMI on CD, this is an excellent version and may be my top choice now.

The Jochum/DG Originals is a great performance but the recording is brightly lit.

Not sure if I mentioned this before but the budget priced Ormandy/Sony is amazingly good.......I see you rolling your eyes, heh heh. But let me reassure you this is not your typical Ormandy performance, and the sound is excellent.