The best of Goodwill...

What the best audio related item that you have purchased at Goodwill or another similar store?

Today I was at two Goodwills and managed to find a few CDs for $3 each.

One turned out to be excellent. It's a violin concerto by Sony Classics and recorded at Air Studio's. I really enjoyed listening to it this afternoon.

Another was new and was still in the original plastic.

I know this is small beans compared to what some of you have managed to find.
On various forums there are lots of stories about finding classic speakers, amps and such a GW and consignment stores. "I scored (fill in the blank) for $15!" Never been so lucky myself. My buddy got his wonderful Bedini 25x25 for $250 at a pawn shop. That was pretty sweet.
Calbrs- nice score on the Wilson Pickett!
I scored a nice Rotel pre and have seen some very good turntables there.
Lots of LPs. several six-eye labels. Hendrix, Stones, etc. Something I really appreciate (to a fault sometimes) is the classical music offerings. I am not too familiar with what to look for, but for a buck, I am willing to buy and try. I have found some fabulous music which allows my system to shine brightly in other genres besides Jazz, bluegrass and rock and soul.
Of course, books.
Spending $ is good for the community and the soul.
All I've ever seen at these type places are junk.I guess I'm just not very lucky.
The Goodwill type stores have really lost the quality of stuff they used to have twenty years ago. Even as short a time as five years ago they had some fine stuff. And I would go all the time just to see what was there.
The quality of the stuff started dropping when 'Rummage Sales' on every block started, and got worse as eBay became a bigger player. A LOT of secondhand store shopping is done by folks who are just looking for stuff they think they can resell. So anything good is snatched up even if the buyer does not want it. They just grab it thinking they can resell it for more money.
Then the economic downturn in the last few years has killed donations to the stores, and added to the number of shoppers just when less stuff is available.
Also the Hispanic immigrant population is increasingly turning to the secondhand stores for nearly anything they need.
So back when I started going to the secondhand stores and Cashmere sweaters were $0.10, quality wool Pendleton skirts also $0.10... Other places had High end clothing for a buck. That was back in the 70's.
The vast majority of folks going to the secondhand stores back in the 70's were Welfare recepients, and a few Hippies. (I was a Hippie, sort of)
Police quality leather jackets were $10.
Yeah, those WERE the days.
Now it is almost cool to go to the secondhand stores. So nothing is to be found worth bothering about anymore.
(if you were to go to say a dozen stores each week, and maybe even twice a week like many Goodwill diehards do.. You could still find stuff once in awhile.
I found an original Freeman Worthley artwork in one for $10. and it still hangs on my wall. But again that was years ago.
The strangest object I fould was an original 1950's geiger counter: a lunchbox sized chrome steel case with big analog dial, mic and coiled cord. I though 'why not turn it into a purse!" and bought it for $5. However a peson at work I told about it wanted it and made an offer I could not refuse moneywise. So I did sell it for $75.