The best power conditioner for less than $1K?

I have a Rotel 1095 200x5 Amp, an Older Yamaha M-4 170x2 Amp, a Rotel 1066 Processor, a Denon 3910 DVD, a Sansui TU717 Tuner, and Sunfire Architectural Sub. My main speakers are Proac Studio 200's. I am using a Proac CC2 Center channel and have in-wall Def Tech BPZA surrounds. My present power conditioner is a Monster 3600.

I would really like to get a more analog warm 2 ch sound. Any recommednations on what power conditioner would help?
Highly recommend the BPT products - Chris can do some nice things in your price range. Whether it gets toobey or not, its for sure your system will sound better. No matter how your system morphs going forward its a piece you will never need to change.

After that, I am with Jafox. Look for a AES AE-3 preamp, they come up all the time - very clean, inexpensive and you can roll 6SN7s till the cows come home - the classic tube. Or get a Musical Fidelity tube buffer.

Right now you could get the buffer and a BPT on the Gon for a grand...
...proper line conditioning will never suppress offending frequencies as some to many very popular name brands do. Rather proper line conditioning gives you the full monty and in a very pristine musical way.

Stehno (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)
Exactly, John.
Some additional detail:
I actually am still running CD's with a Denon 2800. I recently sold my 2910 and have purchased a 3910. So I have yet to determine any positive effect of the upgrade to the 3910.

I am using a VH Flavor 4 with Gold Furutechs to my main amp. This is plugged directly into the wall. I have a dedicated circuit with Hubbell 8200 red Hospital receptacles. For my CD/DVD am using a VH Flavor 1 with Rhodium Furutech plugs. For my Processor am running a VH Flavor 1 with Gold Furutechs.

Am using Purenote 5N Silver Paragon I/C's thruout and Paragon Bi-wire Speaker Cables. For video am using a Wireworld Silver Starlite HDMI.

I am planning on going thru a thorough break in period with my new set up with the 3910. Have been keeping my eyes open for a good price on a used Audio Magic Stealth, BPT 2 Ultra or 2.5 Ultra.
While I think power conditioning is important (just bought a Hydra 4), I think you should be looking elswhere to "warm" up your system. maybe loan some cables from the cable company, copper instead of silver (I am a Pure Note fan,) like Purist. I think the SS rotel and denon going into the revealing Proac's via the silver cables is the issue.

Jafox - a tubed DAC is not the only option to achieving analog sound from CD playback. Non-os DACs, tubed or not, accomplish this as well, and in many cases for a lot less money.

As for the other recommendations, I would say the preamp will have the most impact. A used Joule Electra LA-100 MkIII would do, or perhaps something from the Cary/AES line.

I probably can't help much on the line conditioner question, although if you find a used Running Springs Haley I'd grab it.