The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I have to agree with Calloway and Snook2. The Piega P10's are without a lot of fanfare, but listen to them next to the avalons, revels etc. and tell me that they don't sound as good or better, and the price is not astronimical. Close your eyes, listen to the music, and don't think about the money or reviews, and tell me what you hear....
The best I've heard are the Rockport Antares. I've heard many/most of the aforementioned transducers, and my favorite(and therefore by definition what I subjectively would consider "best") were the Antares. They elicit all the audiophile superlatives, but frankly are so musically engaging that all those terms become moot and secondary because while listening the music is what you hear and are drawn to, not definitions or components. Dynamic and detailed without being analytical, bass that is deep and so naturally textured, coherent with beautiful mids and extended highs. And they do an incredible disappearing act, without being the least bit finicky about placement. The impression is of music being laid out in the room with an effortlessness and ease of a live performance, not as if a hi-fi system is "playing" music. I took delivery of these 400lb beauties last week, and have been in hog heaven since. My entire music collection sounds new. These are better than anything I've heard, and orders of magnitude in many cases. Now if I just had $75K laying around for Andy's Sirius III turntable.........
Apogee Scintillas - I've never heard anything come close other than Apogee Divas and Apogee Duetta Signatures. The Scintillas are the only speaker that had me believing I was hearing a live performance even though the great monoliths were standing before me.