The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I have owned Altec Lancing's "Voice of the theater series" in the 70's -80's. I have been in a couple of recording studios and heard powered monitors that blew me away. They had names like Adam and A.I.R. approved speakers that I can not remember. Check out Mojo's speaker reviews. I heard the Vaughns and they were as good as anything made any where. Problem, I could only afford a 2 speaker system. Now, lets get to best for the money. I wanted the Audiophile 2-channel and also the 5.2 Theater. I found Tekton Design. They are custom made. They take 4-8 weeks to get. I received mine 2 weeks ago. Red 5.2 Pendragons. They sound as good as anything I have ever heard. Let me be clear. I an not an expert. Don't know audio engineering. I do have a demanding ear. I will stop here. Read the reviews. Play the soft and they are full and clear as a bell. Turn them up a little and I am at a "live" performance. You do not just hear the loudspeakers, you FEEL THEM ! Now,I will stop.
By far and without any comparaison possible with any other speaker I've listen to, the OHM F 5015. It is just another dimension of sound.
The best sound I've heard was from a dealer system in Plano, TX featuring JMlab Grande Utopia speakers driven by Levinson and Wadia electronics. This would have been in the late 90's I believe. I haven't heard any uber exotic systems lately so that earlier experience stands as my best ever.
the best I like are the vintage B@W Matrix 800 With a good amp they sound great and look great