The Devil is in the Cartridge Setup (and a good phone pre)...

I had a freak out moment--or shall I say 2 days because that's how long it went on. 

I've been on these forums posting various things, noting my vinyl bested my digital and that's why I'm looking to figure out how to up my digital front end.  Well, my vinyl end became harsher, dirtier and grainier.  That's the best that I can do. 

No wait....I can say this.  I listen to tons of stuff and I use Norah Jones albums as a reference.  I know she should sound sweet, centered and pure.  I was tube rolling, re-positioning speakers and not able to roll things back. 

I recently "upgraded" two dirt cheap Texas Instruments op amps in my Manley Chinook to Burr Brown models, which had way better specs.  Could it be that BB op amps weren't doing the trick and causing the dry, dirty vinyl? 

After several days, I went back through my cartridge alignment and settings.  What I found was all was fine and dandy on positioning due to using a Feickert protractor, BUT I recently pumped up the tracking force to the upper limit, 2.0 grams, for the cart (AudioTechnica ART9).  I moved it back down to the minimal setting, 1.6 grams.  All is good. 

Maybe the cart's suspension wears over time and less force or weight is needed. I don't know.  

Phew.  I'm back in vinyl nirvana.  I was wondering if I needed different gear, meds, etc. to get back to where I once was happy.  

PS  And yes, the op amp "upgrade" made less difference than just setting my cart to where it sounds best. 
@teoaudio,  I agree 100%.  And when I built or modded I started to realize the cost of things.  They often seem cheap to an audiophile who's doing a single build. "Why not use Mudorf caps, and try Clarity, Auricaps (cheap but brilliant), etc?" 

Your point is spot on.  The manufacturer has the advantage of economy of scale on one hand (or maybe it doesn't if it's small), but each piece adds up very, very quickly--especially when making multiple units. 

A couple other things....

What Nora Jones albums are poorly recorded?  I have a personal opinion of quality ranges for each in her portfolio, but I I wouldn't any are poor in general. 

Thanks for the recommendation on Stylast.  I use the onzo product and I don't clean it as often as I should. Off to buy some Stylast, as it is highly regarded and if it saves or buys me some hours it's probably worth it. 

I believe the subject is cartridge setup and it’s importance, not talking smack about mods. If you don’t believe in mods, don’t buy them. 

Hi, jbhiller,

I'm wondering why you decided to increase VTF to the ART9's maximum recommended setting? I've found that the optimum for LOMC cartridges is usually in the mid-range of the recommendation, the ART9 included. Just curious.



Good question. I was going back through all settings and after using the Feickert I had to reset the VTF. I sloppily set it from my memory of specs.  Then when I fired it up I didn’t take notice of the sound until I had the chance to sit and listen critically.