The Evolution of Modern Jazz

Shadorne's thread "Outstanding Examples of Musicianship" inspired me to begin this thread. While Shadorne stated that all genre's were welcome, I felt that me and another jazz aficionado were beginning to dominate that thread. Shadorne is a "Rocker", bless his heart. This community functions best when like minded people engage in common dialogue.

The title explains this thread. We will use "youtube" the same as in Shardone's thread to illustrate our examples, and now I begin.

In the beginning, there was Charlie "Bird" Parker, and he said "Let there Be Bop" and thus it began. While walking down the street, Bird ran into John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie, who had similar ideas, so they "Bopped" down the street together; Bird on alto sax and Diz on trumpet. My first illustration of this new music is "Bloomdido" with Bird and Diz. We should cover "Be Bop" in depth before we go to the next phase of this evolution.
I can't say I know Di Meola well enough to make that call. All I can say is I don't care much for his electronic fusion work, but love all things acoustic, so the "Rite of Strings" is right up my alley. On this note, there is a phenomenally recorded return to forever live in monteux Blu Ray, featuring this little Di Meola gem. I believe what he is playing is the melody from Piazolla's "Milonga del Angel".

Rather than start a new "jazz" thread, I would like to keep this one going for those who have an interest in the music. "The Evolution of Modern Jazz" is so inclusive in regard to the various "genre's" of jazz that anyone who has an interest in the music will find their "groove".

In addition to posting comments, I also like the "Youtube" postings. This last phase of the evolution, "World jazz" is very interesting, but not enough music; therefore, I would like to add "Current jazz" to this last phase.

My first submission is "Lilly Was Here", by Candy Dufler.
As you may be aware Candy Dulfers's extensively toured with Prince. She also performed with Pink Floyd, Van Morrison and Dave Steward. She is a good player, but being very goodlooking has not exactly hurt her career either. Her father is a well known jazzman in the Netherlands.
Edorr, thanks for the heads-up. I didn't know any of that. All I know is that "Lilly Was Here" is one fantastic jam, and Candy Dulfer is beautiful.