The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
The most accurate and revealing speaker cables I have listened to are the JPS Labs NC2. I wouldn't call them bright, just extremely accurate and detailed.
Give the new e-ticketcables a try. They have a silver/copper hybrid that is great.
I recently purchased the Spletz anti-cables out of curiosity to try in my system. My early impressions are that these cables are remarkably clear and detailed. They are not bright but ever so slightly forward. Could be just what your looking for.

My system is fairly similar to yours and I would expect similar, favorable, results in your system. I recommend you try them.
I like the synergy between my hybrid HT Pro-Silway II and the Pro-9 speaker cables. I get all the detail and 3d staging & musicality i need

My current system.

Sony SCD-1, Theta Gen VA, Pass Labs x-2 , X-350, Thiel 2.3’s Harm Tech Pro Silway II, Pro-9, Audience Power Chords.

Enjoy, Dave