The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
Rsbeck, I agree that money is better spent on components, room acoustics, and dedicated A/C, than on cabling. But I also think that cabling makes a big difference in a system. I don't read the hype that you talk about. I just try the cable. But... About a year ago, I needed a cable that was balanced and longer to replace my 0.5 meter Siltec FTM4sg single ended interconnect. I tried 6 interconnects that were on loan. The one that stood out above the rest was the Siltec SQ110 Classic. I bought it. I use this between my preamp and amp. It's biggest asset was lowering the noisefloor in my system. At any rate, here's the hype on this cable. I just pulled out the booklet that came with it. "our shielding effect reduces the noise floor by 40-60db" "total noise is limited by the electronics used (typically 90-130 db)" "the theoretical signal-noise level of our new technology is on the order of 160-180db"-- Is all this true? who knows. I just know that it worked very well in my system. I gained more clarity, microdynamics and musicality compared to my already good interconnect. So you were asking about a cable? In spite of some of the hype, I choose Siltec, for thier unique technology of using gold and silver. And yes, I think that cabling is probably the most overpriced "component" in the audio chain.
Howard, I'm not siding one way or the other on this issue. I just agree with Rsbeck that it's important to look at more variables than just wire. We all agree on this.

Harnellt says in his original query, "I want something that is I guess on the bright side". Looking at the wire he has already tried, I would translate this to mean he wants more detail. I don't know enough about his electronics to offer an opinion. Perhaps his room is overdamped (admittedly unlikely)...wall to wall carpeting, heavy drapes, fluffy overstuffed furniture & pillows. We really don't know until he answers.

We all agree, too, that listening to several cable choices is only way he will be able to choose what's right for him (or her). But, as Rsbeck has said, let's not ignore the system and room just because Harnellt says he thinks he wants speaker wire that's brighter.

I'm in complete agreement. Now will you PLEASE accept that nomination to the Supreme Court? A soothing voice of reason, you are indeed.
My point earlier was that if he does want speaker cable that's brighter, we
ought to make sure he gets one that *is* brighter. Some things are certainly
measurable. If there is a cable that is audibly brighter, it will show on a
frequency response chart. Before laying down the dough on the cables, we
ought to get a chart and see the frequency response. Any cable manufacturer
who wouldn't provide this kind of info would not get my business! Many
people experience a little brightness as extra detail -- no harm in that. But, if
brightness is his desire, why *not* throw a graphic equalizer into the mix of
things to consider? Yes, the room could also be deadening the sound.
Maybe he would prefer some speakers with metal dome tweeters, or with a
bump in the high end. Let's look at everything. Put it all on the table and
compare -- pick the best strategy.
I'm humbled by your efforts. Maybe they were clear before, and if so, sorry I missed your intention in the beginning.