The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
Rsbeck, Yes- About a year ago, I decided to change from single-ended to balanced. I switched to a Bat vk5i preamp, which is a balanced only design. The Siltec FTM4sg could not be changed to balanced, due to it's ribbon design, but I did have my Siltec SQ80b interconnect (cd to preamp) changed from single-ended to balanced. And yes, although I've tried other interconnects, I keep returning to Siltec. Thus, the balanced Siltec SQ 110 Classic. I've read some of Siltec's claims, including thier shielding claims, but mainly I just listen and compare. As far as vague goes... there's more than just the cable companies that are vague about things in audio. Well, best wishes! See you at the next watering hole. Happy trails, Stan
Rsbeck, An Addendum: When I spoke of other things vague in audio, I was actually thinking of some of the audio tweeks that companies offer. Also, I thought that you might like to see some of the more recent claims that Siltec made (although you might have already run across what I posted). That's why I posted it. Best, Stan
Rsbeck: The only way that you could you have a frequency response chart for a speaker cable was if the speaker cable itself was the terminating load. Otherwise, the electrical characteristics of the speaker cable combine with the electrical characteristics of the individual speaker being used. It is this total load that the amplifier sees and responds to. Given that every amp has a different output impedance and a different level of stability, each amp / speaker cable / speaker load will be slightly different. This is also why i referenced Thevenin's Theory in another thread. If you want to see differences in transient and amplitude characteristics of various speaker cables connected to one specific amp and a specific set of speakers, please take a look at the article that Nelson Pass wrote about the subject 27 years ago.

Once again, i suggest you do some further research on the subject. Finding someone with a Network Analyzer that is willing to work with you will not only blow your mind, it will help you to better understand what you and the other "guru's" that you so dearly trust are currently lacking in understanding on the subject. The figures that you keep quoting are but a small piece of the puzzle and poorly interpreted at that. Sean
You know Rsbeck, you make me sick. After listening, that's right, listening to 100s of cables over the years, the concept that I am just fooling myself about what I hear is absurd. I do not pick the most expensive cables, I pick what I like. You want us to think like you, for what reason? Are we not intellegent enough to make our own choice? Are we all fools? Do you think your intellect is superior to ours? What are your qualifications? How much time do you spend listening to music, making music, and appreciating music versus trying to prove your point. Just go away.