The Politicians Are Getting Involved - Stop Them

The NY Times reported the following in today's (3/14) paper:

The draft of the bill that Senator Hollings (D - S. Carolina) plans to propose prohibits creating, selling or distributing "any interactive digital device that does not include and utilize certified security technologies."
The Hollywood media conglomerates, led by Disney (the same folks who wanted to replace Koppel w/ Letterman), are pressing Congress to enact stringent anti-digital copying laws. If you are a voting age American citizen, then as an interested party, please contact your legislator and express your side of the story.

"(those who) allow themselves to become nothing, will have no place on this earth." - V.S. Naipaul
For more information on this subject visit

It's the website for the Home Recording Rights Coalition (HRRC). They are a lobbyist group concerned with recording issues.
Thanks '61. I think I can cobble together some verbiage to lobbby Oregon legislators. I too would hate to lose the right(s) to use "paid for" digital music to make GOOD sounding copies, and especially compilations, for my own use. And I'll check out HRRC. Craig
I say we all pitch in together and buy every one of those politicians a pair of Bose speakers. They will lose all interest in music and legislation surrounding same, or soon become deaf, whereupon they will be unable to conduct their dirty business.
Kinsekd, I believe that's generally credited to Mark Twain.

He's also credited with "Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can."

Killerpiglet, Do you know the difference between a Catfish and a Congressman?

One is a bottom dwelling scum sucker..........the other just a harmless fish.