Thinking about Sonus Faber Stradivari ....

I am thinking about Sonus Faber Stradivari. This was one of only 2 speakers that gave me goose bumps. Do we have any current owners of the Stradivari? Any opinions on these? These speakers appeal my heart not my head. Thoughts?
I dont have feedback on the Stradivari but I can say (in my opinion) that a speaker that speaks to your heart will definitely give you more enjoyment! I am seriously considering the Memento or Evolutions in the very hear future. To me, a speaker that gives me goosebumps is exactly what I am looking for. Music after all is emotional not analytical.
Thank you Tboooe,

I have the SF Evolutions and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them too. That's what got me thinking. Plus, I heard the Strads again just recently and it all came back to me. Just a wonderful speaker that get the music right.
Very well put my friend. The components that connect to your heart and engage music's emotion is the only way to go IMO. Every thing in my system was chosen based entirety on this concept with no regrets.