Thinking of modding my 834p, or should I move on?

I have an 834p deluxe and it needs a small repair. The cost of the repair isn't that much off of having some additional modifications performed, and once the board is desoldered, I was thinking...I may as well go whole hog! However, I am wondering if investing nearly 1k in modifications is really cost effective. I use a Koetsu Black and am thinking of moving up the Koetsu line and/or buying a Grado Statement Statement. I've read quite a few times that the 834p transformers are not that great. The Deluxe sells for around 900-1000 used, so for 2k I could perhaps buy the EAR 324 used or look at something else, unless at even 2k, the moddified 834p would be a solid investment. I like the sound, but I admit I don't have much experience with phono stages at all, and this is the only tubed one I have experience with.

Any input would be welcomed.
Hi, well $100 is an estimate. The components are Thorsten's recommendations. Here are the particulars:

C1 and C7 - Mundorf ZN tinfoil film caps from HiFi Collective in UK. Price was around $56 including shipping. Bty, I strongly recommend staying away from this vendor. Customer service is abysmal.

C3 and C4 1% NOS silver mica caps - around $11 total (Ebay)

C6 Elna Silmic - $0.50 (Handmade electronics)

C8 and C9 Nippon Chemicon electrolytics - around $15

Caddock precision resistors (6 pairs) and diodes D1 and D2 around $50

PSU filter resistors (2) - no charge (from a friend)

I was already using outboard mc step up trasformers (S&B TX-103), so again no charge for using these in lieu of the internal step-ups

So in total, around $133 (+ or -) in parts. Hope this helps.

Madison Speaker Components in Madison, Wisconsin sells Mundorf caps. I've purchased from them a few times; the customer service is superb.
Try them at

Good luck.
Thank you kindly for all the comments and suggestions. The $1k incorporates the repair of my faulty RCA connectors (I'm swapping in NeXtGens for kicks). Otherwise, it would be in the $750-800 range with labour.
Dan_Ed, I saw this thread and got interested. What are some quality step-up transformers to run in front of the 834P?
I've read that Ear's own step-ups are quite good, as are the Lundahl's but they require DIY prowess. Bent Audio transformers seem to get the most praise around my area.