thinking of trying vinyl

hello all, Ive been thinking about getting into records and turntables for awhile now, and after finding a really cool record store with all these old jazz albums cheap, im thinking about making the jump. But I do have some holdups. I have a very economy minded system that consists of b&w 602 s2 bookshelf speakers-a 90's rotel 30 watt integrated with phono,and a sony sacd player. Thats it, so i dont think my system would do a brand new pro-ject table much justice. But I also dont want to buy an old piece of junk. Any suggestions on a turntable that would "fit" with what i have? Also is the sound going to make me cringe since im using low ball equipment? Just trying to figure out if its worth the journey.
Just wanted to ask.
How any CD players have you purchased to get to where you are now? If you did spend the same on a TT as you have your CD players/Dac your vinyl would rival you CD's IMHO.
Hevac1 (System | Threads | Answers)

The Linn Karik/Numeric I purchased new in 1993 for around 5700.00 and it is still working but outclassed. The best sounding digital, and what I use daily, Sony ES77 (bought used for 325.00) as a transport and VAC 22.1 DAC (bought used for 900.00) which absolutely kills the Linn in every parameter. So, I don't have a lot invested in my current digital.

OTH, if I had a 7000.00 analog rig maybe I would find that superior to my digital. Most of what I listen to is on cd and I have a hard time spending a lot of money on equipment to listen to my records. I am experimenting so don't hold me to this statement. I am an audiophile after all.
Try a Technics 1200 or something like it. They are tried and true machines. Mounted with a good, cost affective cartridge like the Denon DL-160 you can keep the cost below five bills. I tried a Pro-ject Debut III and hated the thing. I missed my 1970's poineer auto lift off TT. So I bought a Technics 1700 for $60.00 and mounted a Denon DL-160 on it. For a little over $200.00 I am a happy camper. I have found the phono stage pre is where big money need to be spent. A good phono stage was the key for me.

Good luck
People's reasons for doing vinyl are different. If you want it to beat your CD player for $300 all in, that may be tough (though not impossible). With a $50 thriftshop table, a $150 cart, a few dollars in vibrapods or spikes (depending on what else is under your table) and a good protractor, you can get good sound (assuming your phono stage is up to snuff). But I would not know if it would 'beat' your CD player. People's tastes are different.

Rhljazz' point about sticking to the silver discs is one which has credence, but for a different reason. I think the MONETARY COST is actually a limited input if you buy used. Far more important is the cost of time and effort. It takes time to find a TT, to learn to set it up, to look for vinyl, to clean the records when dirty, and then, if you end up not appreciating it, it takes time to get rid of the stuff.

For me, the lower monetary cost was one reason I went to vinyl. I can find any number of old records in fine condition which are 25cts to a few dollars. If I wanted to buy those on silver discs, it would cost me several dollars per disc used and $10-20/disc new. In order to listen to 1000 classical albums from the past over the next few years - albums I had never heard before - it would cost me $5,000-15,000 in silver discs + no dollars for my CDP... or... it would cost me $1,000-3,000 in vinyl, a few hundred dollars for a record cleaning machine, and then something for a vinyl setup. At the end of it, I could resell the vinyl and the setup or I could sell the extra 1000 compact discs. The CDs cost me more upfront, and the CDs will lose more on my investment than I will lose selling the records and vinyl back out. To me, for that reason, vinyl is the low cost solution.

If you want to keep your experiment well below $300, I'd suggest the garage sale or thrift store TT route. Phasecorrect has mentioned the families of tables I would look for. There are a bunch of them out there and they punch above their weight (cost, not lbs).
In my opinion, cheap CD player usually beats cheap turntable. But if you move up to $5k+, that will be different story. The most expensive table often times beats the most expensive CD player. So for $300, it is okay to try out vinyl, but don't have high hope. T_Bone is right. It is very inexpensive to get used vinyls and start your collection. Once you have a decent collection, that may be the time to invest in analog.