Thoughts on my current system

Good evening all,

I am in the process of moving in the next couple of months and might be making some changes to my current system.  Any thoughts and or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  

System is as follows:

Amp: Aragon 8008 mk 2.....I do have an Parasound Halo A21 that is sitting in a closet.  Basically brand new
Pre amp: Audio Research LS17 se 
Source: Cary CDP 1 cd player
Speakers: Sonus Faber Venere 3.0
Wattgate 381 outlet
Speaker cables: Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun
Interconnects: Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref mk.ii XLR 
Shunyata PS8/Defender with Zitron Alpha HC 20amp
Shunyata Zitron Viper for source
JPS Labs Pac Black for Amp & Pre amp

Everything is plugged into the PS8 including the Amp. 

Thank you in advance. 

Thanks pennsy for your detail.  I live in an area where the ac lines are not very good as it's a shared living complex.  When I move I will install dedicated 20 amp lines and be in a nice spot.  Both the Aragon 8008 & A21 are high current designs and would benefit from that I'm sure.       
i would wait until you setup your gear in your new room to see what you want to change if anything. Not sure about plugging your system directly into the wall, i think it depends on where you live. We get some good lightning storms with power fluctuations or even outages. I use 2 different power conditioners, 1 for the amp and the other for all the source equipment. I have 3 dedicated 20 amp circuits since i custom built the dedicated room. 
If you want to get into hi res music, look at a dedicated music server. I switched to a Auralic Aries a few months ago and it was a good move. 
Nice set up...if you wanted to try a different "sound" at the same quality level of gear you have, I'd try a Bryston 3Bsst2 or 4Bsst2 with your set-up. I can't tell you if you'll like it or not, but I'm pretty sure (based on my own Byston experience) it would change things up for you. It might liven up your tweeters a bit.
 I agree with what most every one is saying here. I cannot stress enough the importance of starting from a Strong Foundation to build on. It took me a long time to wrap my mind around this concept and I wasted tens of thousands of dollars through the years figuring it out.  In order to get the most bang for your buck you want to make sage changes that move you forward not side ways. It will take a while.

Keep the components you have, set up in the new room. Start by Investing with Power, Power, Power. Think of your power distribution as the main component in your system. You want to maximize the performance of all of your components together through a maximized power delivery system. Get a great power distributor, not conditioner. There is a Weizhi on Agon now, they do not come up often. Oyaide makes an excellent one as well. Look to Oyaide R1 receptacles rather than Wattgate. There is also a pair of Thales Speaker Cables also rare on Agon. Their Interconnects are best in the industry for the price. Take advantage when ever possible.  JPS, makes good power cords which you have,  Analysis plus Oval 2 also very good, Regular Ovals even better.  

Once you get the power sorted out then look to methodically change up your components.  Educate yourself on the companies that build the components, speakers etc. You want companies that are dedicated to building great products that you are spending thousands on. Start with your CDP. Exogal, the old Wadia team is doing some interesting things. Sonus Faber speakers today are not the same company they were years ago. Older models are  better. Also Check out Devore, there are a pair of Silverbacks also up on Agon.  Your ARC Pre Amp is better than most builds today, but Rogue Audio has great products, maybe a better option when you are ready. 

When you get the components that you are happy with, then start on your tweaks.  Good Luck

Thank you ggc for the detail.  It's good stuff and I agree.  Some of the items you mentioned I need to become familiar with.  Some of the products I currently own I feel are worth hanging on to and building around them.  Others probably not like you said.  Have you had any experience with either of the amps that I own?