Thoughts on new amp

I currently have a Bryston 4B (200wpc) amp to CJ pv10 Pre (tubed) to Alon Model 1 speakers (88dB). The amp seems to be overpowering the rest, I can't turn the pre past 9:00 and keep it under wall shaking decibels. I would like more volume control at lower listening levels. That said, I am thinking about moving to a tube amp(s) since I like the sound/tone of them. What size amp should I be looking for? I almost had a deal for a Dynaco ST70 and am still considering moving in that direction. I have a budget of around $1k and would like to go used to maximize that. What are the benefits to going with 2 amps as opposed to 1 more powerful? So there it is, I am happy with the warmth of tube gear, ready to trade out the big old Bryston-workhorse that she is for a more refined tube amp. All ideas and help are very much appreciated- you guys have got me this far and I am enjoying my music more than at any point in my life.
Very Grateful
To make a proper recommendation, I need to know room size, how acoustally dead (absortive) or live (reflective) your listening room is, how loudly & what you usually listen to (chamber music requires less amp power than rock or orchestral music).

That said, I think the problem is likely an imbalance between your preamp's output voltage & amp's input sensitivity based your observation that you "can't turn the pre past 9:00 and keep it under wall shaking decibels."

I would say contacting Bryston and/or Conrad-Johnson about your concern is your best bet.

You may just need an attenuator or passive level control.
The problem you are having is due to the high voltage gain. The voltage gain of your Bryston 4B is reported to be 30dB. That's not abnormally high, but still on the high side of the spectrum. If you want less overall loudness and more control in lower volume level, look for amp with lower gain, not low power rating. There are amps rated for 100wpc and 30dB of gain, which will sound equally loud at the same volume level as your current amp.
You know, there is an excellent synergy between CJ pres and power amps and if I were you I would grab a 2250 or 2500 CJ amp for your 10.
The room is +- 16'x13' w/components on the 13. Vaulted to 14ft. with 2 windows,carpeting so quite absortive.

I'm going to jetison the Bryston and look for a tube amp, looking for recs in this direction