Thoughts on the most difficult instruments for speakers to reproduce?

I’ve heard a number of speakers over the years, and the sounds of some instruments never seem as realistic as others. I would love to get some opinions on this, as I’ve been wondering about this for years.

My my vote on the toughest:
- Trumpet with mute (good example is Miles Davis)
- Alto sax
- violin (higher registers)


String sections, and yes violin higher registers.  It seems almost impossible to find sound reproduction that captures the combination of texture, bite and silkiness of real strings.

And most speakers tend to thin out the body of the sound as you move into the higher frequencies.  Drum cymbals in real life are big and round, never the tiny pin-points of bright sound as through most speakers.

Piano...yeah...always on the list.
I would say piano for all of audio, but violins specifically for digital audio, especially massed strings.